What Is Travel Medical Insurance For A Schengen Visa?

kevin sproles
3 min readNov 1, 2023


You will need a Schengen visa if you plan a trip to Europe. This visa allows you to travel freely within 26 countries in the Schengen Area, but it comes with specific requirements, one of which is travel medical insurance.

This blog article will explore what dummy travel insurance for a Schengen visa is, why you need it, what it covers, and how to obtain it. Whether you’re a seasoned traveller or on your first trip to Europe, travel medical insurance for Schengen visas can help make your trip stress-free.

Understanding Travel Insurance For A Schengen Visa

Travel medical insurance for Schengen visas covers medical emergencies, accidents, and illnesses while abroad. It is a mandatory requirement for obtaining a Schengen visa and must meet specific criteria set by the European Union (EU).

The insurance policy must have a minimum coverage of €30,000 and cover your stay in the Schengen Area. It must also pay for emergency medical care, hospital stays, and returning home.

Why Do You Need Travel Medical Insurance For A Schengen Visa?

There are several reasons why you need travel medical insurance for a Schengen visa:

Legal Requirement

It is a mandatory requirement for obtaining a Schengen visa. With it, your visa application may be accepted.

Protection Against Unexpected Medical Expenses

Travel medical insurance for a Schengen visa covers medical emergencies, accidents, and illnesses that may occur while travelling in the Schengen Area. Without insurance, you will be responsible for paying for these expenses out of pocket, which can be costly and strain your finances.

Peace Of Mind While Travelling

Knowing that you are covered by travel medical insurance can give you peace of mind while travelling in the Schengen Area. You can rest assured that you will have access to medical care without worrying about the cost if something unexpected happens.

It is important to note that the Schengen Area countries have high-quality healthcare systems, but they can be expensive for non-EU citizens. Travel medical insurance for a Schengen visa can protect you from financial hardship in the event of a medical emergency.

How To Obtain Travel Medical Insurance For A Schengen Visa

Getting travel medical insurance for a Schengen visa is a straightforward process. Here are the steps you can follow:

Research And Compare Policies

Many insurance providers offer travel medical insurance for Schengen visas. Research and compare policies to find one that meets your needs and budget.

Choose The Right Policy For Your Needs

Be sure your policy matches Schengen visa requirements, including €30,000 minimum coverage and emergency medical treatment, hospitalisation, and repatriation.

Obtain The Necessary Documentation

Moreover, after choosing a policy, get the policy certificate and an insurance provider letter stating that it fits Schengen visa criteria.

Submit The Documentation With Your Visa Application

Submit the documentation with your Schengen visa application. Travel medical insurance requirements may vary by nation.

Before applying for a Schengen visa, you must ensure you have Schengen travel insurance. You must show proof of insurance as part of the application process. You can purchase travel medical insurance for a Schengen visa online or through a travel insurance provider. Read the policy carefully and understand the coverage and exclusions before purchasing.


Travel insurance for a Schengen visa is a mandatory requirement for obtaining a Schengen visa. It provides coverage for medical emergencies, accidents, and illnesses that may occur while travelling in the Schengen Area.

Travel insurance for Schengen visas is required by law, protects against unforeseen medical costs, and gives you peace of mind when travelling.


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Originally published at https://articleterrain.com on November 1, 2023.

