Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me

Kevin Kim
1 min readOct 5, 2022


Genesis 31:17–35

Photo by James on Unsplash

Reading today’s message seemed to show where everyone stood in their faith. Jacob believed in God, but Laban continued to serve idols. Seeing that Rachel stole Laban’s Gods also made me realize that she was not serving God wholeheartedly as well. This may be an explanation as to why God has closed her womb initially and it was only through His grace and compassion that she was able to bear children to begin with. Although I do not go so far as to serve other gods, it is important that I reflect on my own life and see if there are things that I serve above God. Whether it be this house/dwelling that we have been praying about or my job/money, I pray that it is God at the top of my priorities and I am not blinded by these other distractions.

Please help me to surrender control and rely on you in all aspects of my life.

