The true meaning of security

Kevin Lee
1 min readAug 2, 2017


We need security because the world is a dangerous place. We want to protect our rights, properties, information, families etc. People and the systems they create work tirelessly to keep things secure against various threats.

But here’s the irony. Do you know that the root word of security comes from the Latin word “securus”, meaning “free from care”?

“Free from care?!” you ask. How can it be the case, where so many people are working day in and day out to maintain security? We care a lot about security.

And yet it is true. The ultimate goal of security is to let its beneficiaries be literally free from care. We put locks on the door so that we don’t need to worry about a thief (or at least, we can worry less about it). Companies enforce certain security policies (not all of which we understand or agree with), so that its administrators and managers can have some degree of confidence that everything wouldn’t fall apart the next morning. We all want to sleep peacefully at night, to be free from care.

I hope this article gives you a newfound appreciation for what security is. Like and share this article to let others know about it!



Kevin Lee

Software engineer, entrepreneur. I love to explore ideas and solve problems that matter.