Where are all the trolls??

Is there a force field protecting Medium?

Everywhere I’ve been on the internet, everywhere is swarmed with basement-dwelling racist trolls whose only goal in life is to push people like me out of public sight, to silence our voices and make us feel like we don’t matter.

When I signed up for Medium, I made sure my sword was sharp. I made sure my armor was thick enough.

I published my first few articles and got into my sword stance.




Now, okay, granted I’m not the biggest writer here. Maybe some of y’all have to deal with trolls. (If so, please give me some tips on what to expect when I’m farther on down the road.)

But the atmosphere on Medium is unlike anywhere I’ve ever been. Even in political posts, there are relatively few hate comments.

Seriously, how are the staff able to hold back the tidal wave of trolls that flood every other website??

I’m not complaining, I’m just impressed.

Good job, Medium! 🥰😘😘



Keyara Adeleke, Ph.D. | Therapist-Turned-Wordsmith

New to Medium, still figuring out the quirks! I'm an Afra-American thinker, writer, activista, and wordsmith trying to navigate the dangerous waters of Amerika.