White Men: Listen UP

Black folk are done playing. 2024 is the end of the road.

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I’m gonna write this in the whitest language I can possibly use.

Black women are not your toys.

We’re not here for your pleasure. We do not owe you ANYTHING!

You brought our ancestors here against their will and forced their descendants to become part of the Global Diaspora (which is a euphemism you invented to soothe your fragile egos).

To top it all off, you voted for the most vile racist you could possibly summon from your ranks.

And now that you LOST in 2020, you’re trying to put the P$ssy Grabber In Chief back into the Oval Office.

If there are any white male allies left in this country, I need you to make me a promise:

Don’t let it happen again.

Please. I implore you.

Help your friends and relatives understand what will happen if Trump gets back into power.

He’s already gone on the campaign trail promising “the largest mass deportation in history.” I shouldn’t have to remind you which other historic figure used that rhetoric, right?


I know it sounds like I’m overstating the danger, but…


I’m not. The racist-in-chief already made a promise to do the thing that happened in Germany a long time ago.

When people talk, you should listen to them.

Well, HE TALKED. And now it’s time for us to understand that he’s not lying.



Keyara Adeleke, Ph.D. | Therapist-Turned-Wordsmith

New to Medium, still figuring out the quirks! I'm an Afra-American thinker, writer, activista, and wordsmith trying to navigate the dangerous waters of Amerika.