Review: THE LEDGE (2022): Why Did I Watch This Movie?

Keyshawn Shaahid
3 min readMar 8, 2022


The Ledge is a film directed by Howard J. Ford and written by Tom Boyle. The story descripes a climber trapped on the face of a mountain fights off four killers stood on an overhanging ledge twenty feet above her.

Visually this film doesn’t blow you away. The CGI was very noticeable at parts due to budget restrains. There isn’t much here to talk about when it comes to the camera because it pans like hundreds of other films. The positive I will give Ford is showing guys trying to kill someone on a ledge is interesting but ends up being pointless. The killing is pointless becuase they walked to the top of ledge and their weren’t many faceoffs. I felt like this movie had a better chance being called “the climb” because it the ledge was ill-relevant.

The writing in this movie isn’t polished. Characters are given bad lines and are having unrealistic conversations. My biggest problem with this film is the writers never took the time to give the protagonist purpose. The main character’s friend is killed by some douchebag traveler. FYI, this main antagonist had some ridiculous lines, and still, I don’t know why he was so evil.

We see the conflict between the friends throughout the film about if they should kill the woman or not. The problem is we ask ourselves a question like why wouldn’t they jump the guy. All of the male characters get killed one on one for the sake of the main antagonist and the main protagonist to have a final stand-off. That lazy trope took me out of the film immediately and almost made me want to turn it off. (I didn’t though :))

Another terrible thing about this script is that they talk about past events that matter to the main antagonist’s reasoning for why they are doing what they are doing through bad dialogue. Human beings do not talk like this in real life which is another bad writing tactic. I hate movies that are written lazily like this because there was nothing compelling about this script.

There wasn’t anyone who stood out to me in this film. The script was so inept descrbing character motivation and created a connective plot that characters didn’t have time to shine. In this case all characters were wasted and no actor could shine at all.

The ledge is a movie that had no direction. The characters are bland, generic and without motivation. Many would say that this could be a candidate for worst movie of the year as early as it is.There were some points in the movie that made you laugh but not because you were supposed to. The only redeeming factor of this film is it was short and you have a phone. If you decide to watch this movie (which I don’t know why you would) watch it if you like stupid plots and exaggerated character to laugh at.

Score: 2/10

Cast & Crew

Director: Howard J. Ford

Writer: Tom Boyle

Starring: Brittany Ashworth, Ben Lamb, Nathan Welsh, Louis Boyer, Anais Parello, David Wayman, Krsto Nikcevic

