
Amy Perkins
1 min readNov 4, 2017


Stephanie on the left, me on the right

Mel Robbins, the author of the best selling book, The 5 Second Rule, and number one booked female speaker IN THE WORLD is holding a contest. A casting call of sorts. She’s looking for people to join her on her brand new Audible show. It’s coming out this winter.

Six winners will get a flight to Boston and the opportunity to be coached by Mel herself. She doesn’t offer coaching services anymore, at any price.

All you need to do is upload a video explaining where you are stuck and why you want Mel’s help. It needs to be short (don’t drone on and on, get to the point!) and don’t tell her that you want to win so that you can get your book on the New York Times bestseller list, or so that you can launch your coaching business into the stratosphere. She wants people that need to find clarity, courage and learn to crush their self-doubt.


Am I going to throw my hat in the ring? You betcha, but it’s not what you think.
#Don’tPickMeMel #PickHer


