Constructing Universal Map Of Knowledge

5 min readAug 29, 2017


By designing a system of economic incentives that will provide access to reliable information to anyone with an internet connection.


The universal map of knowledge consists of two parts:

  • A method to record and commodify events.
  • A method to map out events via value communication.

Event Commodification:

On June 13, 2017, a way to record and commodify events named masterkey was introduced on reddit.

In A Nutshell:

Be it artistic expression, scientific discovery, cultural artifact or a historic moment, what qualifies as an event is decided by the individual willing to pay the necessary fee in order to create an anchoring point of the event in the most secure public ledger there is (bitcoin ledger).

How It Works:

  • Begin by creating a new asset (the process is adjusted to counterwallet).
  • Name the asset and in the description field write the description of the event.
  • This is the standard format: common description of the event + the name of the event creator (only if known) + the period of time of the event (only if known). For example: Eureka, Edgar Allan Poe (1848)’.
  • Set “Quantity” to ‘1’, uncheck “make divisible” box and create the asset.
  • If necessary, make an additional transaction to complete the description, but remember to keep it short and simple.
  • Finish the process by selecting “Lock Token Issuance”.


Generally speaking, the invention of bitcoin technology is the invention of digital scarcity. Bitcoin was created to allow people to send digital information between each other in form of a token (btc).

The tokens themselves are highly resistant to forgery. None of the participants can retain a valid copy of a token after the transaction has been made and there is no need to trust a centralized service to validate the transactions.

All the transaction are recorded on a distributed public ledger.

Public Ledger:

The fundamental value of a distributed public ledger is the secure environment it provides that allows people to publish/send certain information without trusting any third party.

Information that has been written into this ledger is automatically timestamped, anyone can view it and nobody can modify it.

In order to record the information into the distributed public ledger, a fee is paid to the those who invest resources to secure it (bitcoin miners).

The ‘objectivity’ of a distributed public ledger is measured by the amount of resources the attacker has to use in order to undermine its’ integrity.


The type of information that could be recorded on bitcoin ledger, was extended using second layer protocols such as the counterparty protocol. Counterparty protocol enabled the creation of digital assets.

While being network agnostic, counterparty currently resides on top of bitcoin, which means that all digital assets that are created via counterparty gain the security of the bitcoin network.

Each transaction of counterparty assets requires a btc fee, which increases the utility of bitcoin network.

Event Capture:

Within the masterkey framework, events are digital assets. The events are ‘objectively’ timestamped by default and timestamping is used to differentiate between particular events.

The first to capture the event is the owner of a particular event.

It can easily be verified when a particular event was first recorded and there is no need to trust a centralized service to do so.

Centralized services cannot provide ‘objective’ timestamping simply by design, information can be edited by service operators and they are easier to attack.

The Story Of Alice and Bob:

Alice wishes to maximize the market value of her assets, one of the assets she owns anchors the eventThe Wealth of Nations book by Adam Smith.

Be observing the fact that culturally significant items usually are translated into great monetary value, she then decides to try to link the ‘The Wealth of Nations’ asset to a different asset in order to show the context within which her asset exists and prove that it has cultural significance.

The asset she chooses to link ‘The Wealth of Nations’ is to the asset that anchors the author of the book himself.

By carefully searching the counterparty blockchain explorer, she finds out that Adam Smithasset has already been created and belongs to Bob.

In order to connect the assets in an ‘objective’ manner, she knows that she has to communicate value to the address attached to ‘Adam Smithasset, and for Bob to accept the connection he knows he will have to communicate value back to Alice.

Value Communication:

  • To attach a particular address to an asset, you first need to broadcast the name of the event asset from the address.
  • Linking particular address to one asset signals to the market which asset belongs to which address and that the address is open for accepting new connections.
  • To broadcast, enter counterwallet, broadcast the name of the asset from the address that belongs to the asset and finish by locking the broadcast feed. To do so broadcast ‘LOCK’ message.
  • Search for assets to connect to by using different counterparty blockchain explorers, for example:
  • Send an arbitrary amount of UMOK token from the address connected to your event asset to the address that is linked to the asset you wish to connect to. If connection is accepted, you will then receive an arbitrary amount of UMOK token back.
  • A two-way link will then be established, and a greater context for both of the events will be created.
  • In order to move your asset and connections to a different address, you first have to send the asset to a new address, then broadcast the name of the asset from the new address, lock the broadcast, and finally send the exact amount of UMOK token to the new address from the old one.
  • To disconnect, one simply has to send the UMOK token from the connected address to a different address.

UMOK Token:

UMOK means Universal Map Of Knowledge. There are 31,415,926,535 amount of tokens. The amount is locked and is divisible.

To increase the probability of receiving the UMOK token, one should search the counterparty blockchain explorers for events, and create event assets that could provide greater context to the events that already been created.

This will drive the current owners of events, that already have UMOK tokens, to establish connections with your assets.

Without Context Content Has No Value:

Today information is connected by hyperlinks. The problem with hyperlinks is that they create a distortion of context.

The hyperlink devalues the whole notion of having access to information, because one cannot exactly see how certain information fits into a larger picture. The exploration of context is pretty much limited to a back button.

Until now there was no economic incentive to fix the distortion of context that exists on the web, the result of which we see today as the epidemic of unreliable information (‘fake news’).

Universal map of knowledge creates an environment that drives the participants to value truth out of economic necessity.

Event owners are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the general context in which their owned events exist. If the integrity isn’t maintained properly the market value of their assets will fall.

In Conclusion:

In the “post truth” era, having access to information one can rely upon is a must not an option.

That is the purpose of universal map of knowledge, the purpose is to show that truth is the most valuable resource we have.

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