Keyvan Firouzi
2 min readNov 16, 2015

I want to grow up to be a corporation

I want to reclaim out of being human and be a corporation.

A corporation sells shit, but in order to make those sales, it endures costs. Costs like rent, marketing, research and development, etc. Then it will have some left over called profit. On that profit, it will be taxed at some ~35% rate. So for example:

Sales: $1M
Expenses: $900K
Profit: $100K
Taxes: $35K

So they pay $35K in taxes on $1M of sales.

This means “paying taxes on the bottom-line”

As a corporation, I would like to do the same thing. Here’s how that would look like:

I would make some money in the form of exchanging my expertise for income. We’ll call this my “sales.”
In order to produce these sales, I would have to pay rent for my apartment, I need to pay for classes to be better educated, I need to pay for food and healthcare to be able to operate properly. So for example:

Sales: $100K
Expenses: $90K
Profit: $10K
Taxes: $3K

I’d be way down with that. Paying $3K on $100K salary.

But that’s not how it works. It works like this:

Income: $100K
Taxes: $30K

This means “paying taxes on the top-line”

Why do humans get taxed on the top-line whereas corporations get taxed on the bottom-line? I always thought I want to grow up to be an athlete or a movie star. Nope. I just want to be a corporation.

(A link here would explain why this would be difficult to happen. Something to write about later).

Keyvan Firouzi

Data Junkie. CapitalCommunist. Writer. Looking for signal in the noise. Opinions are my DNA predisposition + upbringing + dynamic social-economic status + e