The Canary’s Song

Kathrine Fetizanan
2 min readJun 10, 2019


Photo by Ato Anthony on Unsplash

I was gifted today, Anon.

Gifted because Ringmaster says “bought” is too harsh.

I was a gift, he says, and he and I will be friends.

Partners who benefit each other.

I was given a home today, Anon.

Home because “cage” seems too prison-like.

And it is a home!

Food, drink, and limited space are a plenty.

There is no room for spoiled desires.

I was groomed today, Anon.

I say groomed because “stripped” is too cruel.

They plucked and primmed my plummage.

Pellets of blood peeked behind my feathers.

They draped red paint as part of my costume.

But I’m starting to think this whole think is a masquerade.

I was borrowed today, Anon.

Borrowed because that’s a nicer version of “bought”.

Ringmaster says he is borrowing my voice so as to help the both of us.

It seems, though, that he has borrowed it for a long time with no intention of returning.

People exchange paper slips to hear me sing.

So I am a bartered item.

I was loved today, Anon.

Loved because I’m not allowed to say “used”.

Ringmaster coaches me in song.

And when I can’t offer a note, I’m allowed no sustenance.

So I force myself to cry another.

And another.

And another.

The audience coos at me during the shows.

They toss meaningless items like flowers and stuffed animals

To show that they “love” me, he says.

Nothing that will fix my bleeding cords.

I was tired today, Anon.

“Broken” is too vulgar.

I fly around in an endless circle everyday, and

My wings are breaking.

But I must continue

The more I follow Ringmaster, the more he shows he loves me.

I died today, Anon.

It was heart failure.

