Design for Service Final Project

Kevin Gao
8 min readFeb 27, 2018


Kevin Gao, Carlie Guilfoile, Laura Rodriguez

Initial Brainstorming

Our group shared some ideas around about certain topics of interest related to music. Some of the themes that popped up were music discovery, music scavenger hunts, using music to influence someone’s actions or behaviors.

We’ve also created a “Resources List” to keep track of links that inspire us.

Brainstorming More Ideas

We had some different directions we wanted to go with our service: Music history, Deaf music services, and visualization through music.

Idea 1: Discovering history of a city through music

City provides a “discovering the city” audio service utilizing music history of the city

Exchange of value

  • Provides tourist with an interest way to explore the city
  • Provides tourist with a new experience in contextualizing history of place through music
  • Provides the city with potential patrons for cultural institutions and local businesses
  • Provides the city with recognition
  • Provides the city with data about visitors


  • Service Provider: City Tourism Department
  • Possible Partners: Pittsburgh Cultural trust or other cultural institutions
  • Possible Users: Tourists, cultural institution members

Other stuff

  • Neighborhood specific, museum audio tour inspired
  • Hello Lamp Post: CUI in public space with city structures
  • How might a city compose a soundtrack?

Idea 1: Discovering history of a city through music


-Public Spaces

-Using multiple senses

-Music Discovery

-Using open data?

-medium/small & growing cities

Service statement: Our service helps tourists and curious city-goers uncover the history of Pittsburgh’s neighborhoods through an interactive, audio music service.

City provides a “discovering the city” audio service utilizing music history of the city

Exchange of value

  • Provides tourist with an interest way to explore the city
  • Provides tourist with a new experience in contextualizing history of place through music
  • Provides the city with potential patrons for cultural institutions and local businesses
  • Provides the city with recognition
  • Provides the city with data about visitors


  • Service Provider: City Tourism Centers
  • Possible Secondary Partners/Providers: Cultural Institutions and local businesses
  • Possible Users: Tourists, cultural institution members
  • Farmers Market / Night market? Music program at the farmers market — russell howard
  • Pgh downtown partnership, responsible hospitality institute
  • NYT artcile on leanard cohen
  • Pittsburgh marketing department connection

Next Steps

  • Research Pittsburgh music history
  • Contact pittsburgh tourism centers for interviews
  • Visit Pittsburgh
  • Next Pittsburgh
  • Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership *
  • Pittsburgh Cultural Trust

Research similar services in other cities

Other stuff

  • Neighborhood specific, museum audio tour inspired
  • Hello Lamp Post: CUI in public space with city structures
  • How might a city compose a soundtrack?

Storyboarding Scenarios

Speed Dating Feedback

Friday March 23: Revision of Storyboarding

We took a look at the feedback from the speed dating activity and narrowed our options to one specific scenario. We decided to go with the “Birchbox” idea where the user experiences music discovery through a kit with goodies and instructions.

We mapped out a detailed storyboard of our scenario, thinking about how all our stakeholders get involved within the service. Also, we came up with more ideas on combining the physical service with the digital space including social media callouts and creating a community where this exists.

“Birchbox” Idea

Surveys/ Interviews

We sent out a few surveys and interviewed key stakeholders to gain a better grasp on our audience, and to see if the “Birchbox” idea was feasible. What we learned was that the physical box might not be as useful as we thought because it was something that could be simplified through a digital medium.

Surveys/ Interviews

Our edited scenario includes an app/ website touchpoint that allows the user to create their own profile, with certain choices that represent what type of person they are through their music taste and personality. Through this, every user is given a “Siri” type of guide that is personalized to their personality. Our main audience is a range of middle class adults from age 30–60+. These people have the time and commitment to experience a service that takes time to do, rather than having quick satisfaction. We were also thinking of some sort of small package that would include a wristband or pin that acts as a identification piece that shows you are a part of this experience. We also think a summary of the experience could be a good part of the final wrap up once the user finishes their day.

Detailed Final Scenario

During class, we received feedback on our final scenario, some points about possibly including the bars/ restaurants within the venue so we can combine two stakeholders into one area. Also we thought about if the AI helper was needed or if simple algorithm would build the same amount of trust. These are the questions we are going to test very soon with users and see if we need to make different decisions.

We also met as a group to discuss our future timeline for the rest of the semester and how we are finalizing all the deliverables.

Visual Language and a mockup of the box touchpoint should be finished by Tuesday April 17th. And start filming the weekend after April 26th. We want to be ahead of schedule and make sure all deliverables are done before the last class on Thursday May 3rd. This gives us breathing time to create the final .pdf for the presentation and to finish the process book.

Progress on deliverables

Visual Language


Visual Language

For our visual style, we chose a color palette with colors focused on dark and light purples. These colors create a sense of trust and luxury within our customers, since our target audience are 30–60 year olds who enjoy spending more money for a higher quality service. The word “MUSE” means someone who creates creative experiences for others, which is exactly what our service does. The branding of MUSE is shown thrown banner ads in museums and mockup wristbands that might exist in our Welcome Package.

Box Mockups

Our initial box mockup had too much unused space in it. The concept was to create a small enough welcome package that included all the elements of our box, with a unique mechanism of opening that corresponded to the branding. Future iterations will probably be smaller, making the box much thinner and compact to save space and also cut costs in shipping. Contents include welcome packet, tickets (possibly), wristbands, pins, and stickers. These items give customers an overall understanding of our service, and physical items to take home and use for the future.


We have created several mockups representing our website and mobile application that will be used for our service. The initial mockups feature web signing up, and choosing a curated plan that works for the user’s specific music and history preferences. The mobile mockups show the info guide that is given to the user a couple of days before the actual event. The plan is to flesh these mockups out with the visual guide given.

Final Video + Deliverables

We are beginning to film our final video, which includes clips of the final welcome box, web screens, and mobile screens.

