kurt gasbarra
1 min readJun 15, 2018
🇺🇸 Gun Violence Today



Whiteness ‘ enclave __

I … experienced “ LockDown

Sitting with my Mother at her Oncologist’s Office — ‘ unawares

That aMan , White Angry waved a loaded Gun at ‘ someone

Nurse came in the roomConfused … and apologetically said :

“ Sorry we have to keepYou in this smallRoom now ___ Police Orders and ‘ we don’t Know anything else now because it’s ___ Code Grey “ !


And the firstEmotion I felt was : “ What About the Children in ER or the ‘ Elders in ‘ surgery and all the Moms and Dads offDuty that really needed to get ‘ home for their Kids ?

And … I’m ashamed to know that here in America ___ lockdowns occur everyday ‘ Somewheres…

For Mom and Me … it turned out Safe because the angryMan was captured ‘ afore any “GunDischarge

Moral oft myStory :

Beware GunViolence can happen to Anyone, Anyplace and Anytime……Please, this November 2018 ______get out Vote 🗳

______ voteOut all NRA inCongress

( thank You 🙏 and Vote ‘ emOut)

kurt gasbarra

Us Poets... sad but Hoping Delicious delusions of Humanity’s Ultimate goal... of serving Others in need more than Meself. But I digress here Music 🎶 is