Khader Hajji, an architecture. Embracing diversity and creativity, education fuels my journey through design and innovation. Technology's transformative power captivates me, driving a commitment to positive change. Health and fitness are my lifestyle pillars, fostering holistic well-being.

As a fervent sports enthusiast, I find unity and joy in the unifying spirit of sportsmanship. Traveling offers boundless exploration, fostering cultural understanding and connection. Books are my refuge, offering solace and inspiration in the tumult of life.

In my heart, Mogadishu holds a special place, "Mogadishu boy." Its streets and shores shaped my earliest memories, anchoring my spirit to a place of profound significance. Through my writing, Khader shares the richness of my experiences, inviting readers to join me in celebrating the beauty of diversity and the boundless possibilities of the human spirit.

Connect with Khader Hajji
Khader Hajji

Khader Hajji

Architecture with a passion for sports, tech, health, fitness, travel, design, and creativity. Proud son of Mogadishu,