From the Great Les Brown!

khadevis robinson
1 min readSep 21, 2017


Give Up
Give In
Or Give It All You’ve Got

Have you given up on life, your dreams, or your goals? If you said yes, keep reading…

I did GIVE UP. I gave up the idea that I was DT, the dumb twin, labeled educable mentally retarded. Heck, who knows, maybe I have issues, but I wasn’t going to let someone else’s opinion of me become my reality.

I did GIVE IN. I gave into the calling and purpose I felt over my life. I had a gut feeling I was supposed to do more than collect trash, run errands for others, or work as a hip talking DJ.

I chose to GIVE IT ALL I HAD…

When we eat bacon and eggs, the chicken was involved, but the pig is fully committed!

Where are you? I hope you are giving your commitments your ALL!

That’s My Story and I’m Sticking To It,


FINAL THOUGHT: Live every day as if it is the last day of your life.



khadevis robinson

Olympian and International Author & Speaker focusing on Motivation, Inspiration, Coaching Businesses, Organizations and Expert groups. Fitness Expert