Unstructured PDF Text Extraction

Khadija Mahanga
7 min readApr 18, 2024


Have you ever encountered a daunting task of extracting content from unstructured PDF files, only to find that existing Python packages fall short of meeting your requirements? By unstructured, I mean PDFs with multiple elements and varying page layouts. Picture a file containing a table on one page, two tables on another, or perhaps none at all. Imagine encountering single-column layouts on one page, and two or three-column layouts on another, with tables nestled within those columns. This was precisely the challenge I faced.

I experimented with various packages like tabula, among others. However, each had its strengths and weaknesses. While tabula excelled at extracting tables, it struggled with extracting merged cells information from tables and is not for text extraction. I discovered that pdfminer was excellent for extracting text from pages with multiple columns, while pdfplumber shone when it came to extracting tables with merged cells. I even found a package called unstructured, which was a step in the right direction, meeting about 80% of my needs. Although it performed well in extracting some tables, it often missed others entirely. This issue was common among extraction packages utilizing Optical Character Recognition (OCR), where not all tables could be accurately extracted from PDF files, sometimes even omitting the last row or column of a table.

So, I devised a solution that successfully handled the majority of my sample PDFs. However, I’ll address the few exceptions later.

My approach involved combining pdfminer, pdfplumber, and fitz from pymupdf to extract text, table information, and images while preserving their layout and flow.

Extracting text and tables

To extract both text and tables in an organised manner, I used pdfplumber package function to identify and extract tables from a page. Subsequently, I utilized a pdfminer function to extract text elements sequentially from the page, excluding those within the boundaries of identified tables. When printing the output string, I ensured to preserve the reading flow and the position of tables.

A screenshot of a sample 2 column layout page of a PDF file and its output string in a text file. Note: The text file only shows part of the extraction, which is the second layout of the PDF — starting from the red text.

Let us dive straight into the function without dwelling on packages installation:

In the initial phase of my function, I instantiated objects from each package to process a single PDF file comprehensively. Thereafter, I iterated through each page, prioritizing the identification of table objects that exist in a page using the pdfplumber’s find_tables function as seen in the code below.

def pdf_process(path):
plumberObj = pdfplumber.open(path)
minerPages = extract_pages(path)
fitzDoc = fitz.open(path)
for i in enumerate(minerPages):
tables = plumberPage.find_tables(table_settings={"text_vertical_ttb": False})
page_text = miner_extract_page(page_layout, tables)

Once I had the table objects, I moved to pdfminer. While pdfminer isn't flawless in table extraction, it excels in handling different page layouts in a PDF. And note my sample PDF files had inconsistent layouts throughout its pages. Therefore, for each page layout, I ensured to crop out all table objects from that page using the helper check function is_obj_in_bbox

Note, that table object includes a property for it’s boundary box called _bbox. We use that boundary in the helper function.

def is_obj_in_bbox(obj, _bbox, page_height):
checks if an element boundary box is within another boundary
objx0, y0, objx1, y1 = obj
x0, top, x1, bottom = _bbox
return (objx0 >= x0) and (objx1 <= x1) and (page_height - y1 >= top) and (page_height - y0 <= bottom)

You will notice here that I am employing page_height in the check function and this is due to differences in boundary dimensions between pdfplumber package and pdfminer package. Read more about the bbox inversion between this two packages from this issues.

Now, let’s examine the miner_extract_page function:

def miner_extract_page(page_layout, tables):
this function extract texts, tables, images from a single page layout
page_layout -> A pdfminer page object
tables -> An array of pdfplumber table objects

page_height = page_layout.height
extractedTables = []
page_output_str = ""

for element in page_layout:
if isinstance(element, LTTextContainer):
tabBox = []
# if current element exists in any of the tables,
# append the t to tabBox
for t in tables:
is_obj_n_box = is_obj_in_bbox(element.bbox, t.bbox, page_height)
if is_obj_n_box:
# if tabBox is empty, extract the element with get_text() function
if not len(tabBox):
if isinstance(element, LTTextContainer):
elementText = element.get_text()
page_output_str += elementText
# check for figures layout at this point
# check for part 2 when I talk about images/figures
# else, element exist in a certain table
# therefore, we extract the found table
# using pdfplumber table extract function and
# concatenate to our end results
if not tabBox[0] in extractedTables:
table_str = tabulate(tabBox[0].extract(**({"vertical_ttb": False})), tablefmt="grid")
page_output_str += table_str
page_output_str += "\n"
# to avoid repetition we used extractedTables to
# filter already extracted tables.
return page_out_str

In the above function, I am using tabulate package for printing purposes on the final string. Otherwise it is not necessary. And in case you’re extracting a PDF for LLM models, its better to avoid it as it adds more characters to your final output. But also make sure you employ some sort of an organised way to print it to avoid confusion as the output of a table extraction is 2 dimensional array.

Extracting Images

This task also involved identifying certain pictograms/images with the PDF files. I had about 10 different pictograms that I was supposed to check if any of them existed in the file or not. My solution was to first extract all images on the PDF page, and utilize image hashing or other template comparison methods (matchTemplate from cv2 package) to determine if the extracted images for the PDF file matched any of the pictograms I had.

One effective package for extracting images is PyMuPDF (fitz), which I chose to utilize. However, I encountered a challenge where not all images were being properly identified or extracted. I speculated whether this was due to the types of images used during the PDF compilation process, such as PNGs or SVGs, but I couldn’t confirm this definitively.

For the image extraction process, I implemented a function called check_for_image:

def check_for_image(pdf_path):
Function that get images from pdf pages and save them to local drive
pdf_path -> Path of the PDF file
pdf_document = fitz.open(pdf_path)
xreflist = []
page_num = 0
il = pdf_document.get_page_images(page_num)
logger.info(f"Found {len(il)} images")

for img in il:
xref = img[0]
if xref in xreflist:
width = img[2]
height = img[3]

#skip tiny images
if min(width, height) <= 5:
imgdata = img["image"]
imgfile = os.path.join(f"drawing-img-{xref}-{page_num + 1}.{img['ext']}")
fout = open(imgfile, "wb")

But because of the image challenge mentioned, I also implemented an extra function in addition to checking normal images. The function was to check for drawings. For drawing can be anything from a lines to more complex shapes (you may read more on the function get_drawings), I employed various steps such as enlarging the rectangle size by a certain number, applying filters for anything smaller or any drawing within a bigger drawings, before getting apixmap of the enlarged area of page that include a drawing in it. I would subsequently compare the pixmap generated to the pictograms I have to make a decision.

def check_for_drawings(pdf_path):
Function that finds drawings from pdf pages and save pixmap of
on enlarged drawing's rectangle to local drive

pdf_path -> Path of the PDF file
pdf_document = fitz.open(pdf_path)
for page_num in range(pdf_document.page_count):
page = pdf_document[page_num]
d = page.get_drawings()
new_rects = []
for p in d:
# filter emplty rectangle
if p["rect"].is_empty:
w = p["width"]
if w:
r = p["rect"] + (-w, -w, w, w) # enlarge each rectangle by width value
for i in range(len(new_rects)):
if abs(r & new_rects[i]) > 0: # touching one of the new rects?
new_rects[i] |= r # enlarge it

# now look if contained in one of the new rects
remainder = [s for s in new_rects if r in s]
if remainder == []: # no ==> add this rect to new rects

new_rects = list(set(new_rects)) # remove any duplicates
new_rects.sort(key=lambda r: abs(r), reverse=True)
remove = []
for j in range(len(new_rects)):
for i in range(len(new_rects)):
if new_rects[j] in new_rects[i] and i != j:
remove = list(set(remove))
for i in reversed(remove):
del new_rects[i]
new_rects.sort(key=lambda r: (r.tl.y, r.tl.x)) # sort by location

mat = fitz.Matrix(5, 5) # high resolution matrix
for i, r in enumerate(new_rects):
if r.width is None or r.height <= 15 or r.width <= 15:
continue # skip lines and empty rects
pix = page.get_pixmap(matrix=mat, clip=r)
hayPath = f"drawing-rect{page_num}-{i}.png"
if pix.n - pix.alpha >= 4: # can be saved as PNG
pix = fitz.Pixmap(fitz.csRGB, pix)
pix = None # free Pixmap resources


This comprehensive approach allowed me to successfully extract information from nearly all of the sample PDFs I encountered.

In reflecting on the limitations or edge cases of my solution, one challenge I faced was extracting tables that are border-less. Despite extensive efforts, I haven’t yet found a straightforward way to achieve this especially if you’re dealing with large set of PDF files that needs to be extracted. However, it’s worth noting that there are issues and discussions on pdfplumber github pages on the case of table borders. You may find all them using the following search query link https://github.com/jsvine/pdfplumber/issues?q=border

In the meantime, I encourage exploration of open-source projects that may provide valuable insights and potential solutions to this particular challenge.

Anyone interested in the code, you may find it here https://github.com/KhadijaMahanga/textract

