Uncomfortable in Your Comfort Zone
“You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.” ― Roy T. Bennett
When was the last time you felt challenged and did something extraordinary? I would say, a comfort zone always magnifies and alters depending on the experiences and the situations you’re either put into (fate) or you leaped into it by choice.
Stepping outside your area of comfort will develop your skills, expand your knowledge, and enrich your self-esteem. I know it requires a lot of willingness and determination to do so, but once you start stretching your horizon you’ll quickly realize that you can go even beyond, just like learning the ABC’s for the first time.
So, how can you step out of your comfort zone?
1. Try new food
Because food is love and love is food! You can try this as a start, because who doesn’t enjoy food? How many times do you order the same dish refusing to try a new one because you might not like it, or always pick the same ice cream flavor over and over again. Keep this in mind the next time you hit your favorite restaurant/place.
2. Volunteer, and engage in social activities
What’s better than paying back to your community while also having a great room to grow and learn at the same time? There are so many different opportunities to volunteer in. All you have to do is to research a little bit! Remember that changing others’ lives is always rewarding and changes yours too!
3. Speak up!
It’s easier for us to have a whole conversation inside of our heads instead of saying it out loud. We choose to remain silent even though we might disagree with whatever topic is discussed; whether at work, family or friends. We think of the ‘what if’ too much then regret it later on. Free that little voice inside of you and let it out!
4. Try a new hobby
Whether you’re into music, art, photography, sports or still want to discover your hobby, do something you’ve always intended to do but for some reason kept on postponing. Practice in front of people! This could be learning a new musical instrument or even a new language! Who knows, you might nail something you never thought you would!
5. Move on
Whenever the learning experience stops, intend to move on. Instead of surrendering to your current situation, change what you dislike; leave that stressful job or that abusive relationship or even a toxic friendship! Re-evaluate your relationships, let go of what is hurting you and stopping you from growing or achieving your dreams and goals. This could be a huge step, but never wait until it gets the best out of you!
6. Travel and explore different cultures
As they say; when in Rome do as the Romans do. What’s acceptable to a culture might not be to another. Once, I was lost with a dear friend in one of the cities where we were asking people about a certain address on our arrival. Almost everyone refused to communicate in English. Not because they didn’t know how to, but because they took extreme pride in their ancestry as they insisted to speak in their own language or maybe they were afraid of communicating in another language to avoid making mistakes.
This led us to be lost for six hours, might be a bit uncomfortable? Lesson learnt; is that not everyone speaks the same language as you do or intends to, nor will they accept the same spices you add to your food, or dress up like you do! But who knows, you might end up liking something you never thought you would!
7. Change your routine and love your day
We might all feel comfortable with our 8–5 routines. Sometimes might not be able to change them. But, what about adding something new to that routine? A morning jog, catching up with a friend for a cup of coffee, or a few minutes spared on a hobby. We all share the same excuses; I have no time for that! But, trust me, you can’t go wrong if you wake up an hour earlier or be a bit late to bed. I used to enjoy yoga classes even though they were at 9 pm!
8. Hang out with successful people
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” ― Jim Rohn.
Remember that you’re worthy and deserve the best so make those five slots worthy too. Who doesn’t strive to be successful! Does being surrounded with successful people inspire you and move something inside of you? Re-evaluate the people you normally hang out with. Do they support you in your decisions? Empower you? Encourage your self-growth?
9. Conquer your fears
Do one thing each month or maybe three or four you have always feared and take them off your bucket list. Move up to the next level; afraid of heights? Sky dive! Public speaking? Toastmasters. Apply for that job you always thought you would never get. You might ace the interview and get it!
10. Set your own SMART goals
The goals that we set for ourselves differ from what others set or expect from us. Trust me when I say you’re the perfect one to evaluate yourself and set your own goals. Be your own boss and stretch as much as you can. Some might underestimate you even in your big decisions. How did you react last time this has happened to you? Did you take advantage of the whole situation to empower YOU instead? Never underestimate the power within and your ability to achieve so much. Believe that you’re built for it and act accordingly!
11. Finally, there is comfort in discomfort!
Similar to enjoying a new yoga stretch, the first time you will be uncomfortable stretching in a certain way. But on the third time you will be completely comfortable and perfectly enjoying what seemed to discomfort you in the beginning.
Get started today…try something new! Believe beautiful things do grow outside of your bubble!