How to use chat GPT to generate UX Writings based on behavioral Model: Trigger the change forever. |PT.2

khaled alngar
3 min readSep 18, 2023



In our article/Case study, we illustrate how relying on limited information produces generic content, using simple examples. To genuinely connect with your audience, it’s essential to delve into their distinct needs, desires, and challenges. Personalized, insightful content resonates deeply and engages profoundly. Moreover, we unveil the transformative impact of applying the B.J. Fogg behavioral model to content creation, demonstrating how it drives results and conversions.

Using ChatGPT with these establishment and key would help and open different paths for creative writings and efficient. Though ChatGPT is limited in away or another especially the human references but when you establish for a solid prompt, you are going to avoid that limitation.

I talked in a previous detailed article about the behavioral model for B.J Fogg, explaining the UX writings framework based on this behavioral model.

”Unlocking Digital Delight: A Behavioral Approach to UX Writing Mastery”

Read the article >

Prompts structure

Sometimes, we lack essential information, but it’s vital to minimize assumptions. For example, demographics or cultural barriers may be missing as inputs.
  • Establishment: Where we outline what users want to achieve or how the app works. It involves understanding why users choose to use your service or app and identifying any additional tools or resources they might need to accomplish their goals. Read more details
  • Fogg’s Scores: Where we put our behavioral factors such as (Motivators cores, Ability score, Prompts type)
  • Empathy Tone: Empathy is all about understanding why people do what they do. When we look into their reasons, we can also understand how they feel.

Read the detailed article, i explained the Fogg’s model and the critical factors that shape the UX writings.

”Unlocking Digital Delight: A Behavioral Approach to UX Writing Mastery”

Read the article >

Use case no.1

A sushi cooking app designed to introduce the delightful world of sushi cuisine. The primary goal is to create an enticing and user-friendly experience that encourages engagement and conversions.

The results here are beautiful but it's so generic. Probably won't achieve the expected conversions

Use case no.2

A sushi cooking app designed to introduce the delightful world of sushi cuisine. The primary goal is to create an enticing and user-friendly experience that encourages engagement and conversions.

Additional Inputs:

Fogg’s scores:

  • Highly motivated users.
  • Motive core: Pain of high price sushi food.
  • Low ability due to limited cooking skills
  • Age range: 25 to 45

Tone of voice & Platform

The results here are more connected to user’s needs and care for context. In this situation the expected prompts is facilitator prompts “The writings should provide easing the ability rather than being cool writings”.


Using ChatGPT with these establishment and key would help and open different paths for creative writings and efficient. Though ChatGPT is limited in away or another especially the human references but when you establish for a solid prompt, you are going to avoid that limitation.

  • Triggers are born from your creation, reflecting users’ motives and desires — pain, pleasure, and aspirations. These insights shape empathetic writings, resonating without offense, aligned with users’ thoughts.
  • Your writings empower, not just simplify. They guide users through tasks, breaking cognitive barriers. It’s about fostering ability, not mere ease.
  • Choosing triggers is tactical. Users may be motivated and able, yet nudging actions remains elusive due to external factors. We’ll explore this dynamic ahead.
  • Empathy guides, motives lead, and trigger selection is an art. Each decision crafts a narrative that speaks to users’ hearts. Triggers promise deeper engagement, seamless experiences, and a dance of actions in perfect rhythm.

Learn deeply the knowledge behind this structure

”Unlocking Digital Delight: A Behavioral Approach to UX Writing Mastery”

Read the article >



khaled alngar

With a decade in UX & product design, I excel in problem-solving, empathy-driven design, strategy, and global collaboration. Experienced in diverse industries.