Will The 4-Day Workweek Finally Become Possible with AI?

Khaled Halwani
4 min readApr 15, 2023

Ah, the outdated work mentality: chaining ourselves to desks, glued to screens, slogging through endless hours, believing this grindstone is the sole path to success. How quaint! It’s time to break free from this mindset and reimagine our work lives. Envision a world where a 4-day workweek, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), unlocks greater productivity, efficiency, and fulfilling work-life balance. It’s time to challenge the status quo, because who said we can’t have our cake and eat it too?

A few innovative organizations have already stepped into the future, adopting the 4-day workweek and reaping its impressive benefits. Microsoft Japan’s “Work Life Choice Challenge” led to a remarkable 40% productivity increase and a noticeable boost in employee satisfaction. Meanwhile, New Zealand-based Perpetual Guardian saw a 24% improvement in work-life balance while maintaining productivity. Buffer, the social media management platform, reported enhanced employee well-being, focus, and reduced stress levels. These forward-thinkers are definitely onto something!

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “But what about decreased productivity?” Fear not, my friends! The introduction of AI can alleviate that concern. By automating mundane tasks, we can finally focus on creative and strategic thinking, elevating our work to a whole new…



Khaled Halwani

Creative Strategy Lead @ Pinterest with 12 years of exp in the Media & Ad industry. Passionate about Tech, Culture, Wellness, AI, Art, Music and Sociology