8 Ideas on How to Increase Conversions on 404 Error Pages

Khalid Saleh
2 min readMar 22, 2023


This is a tl;dr of a much longer article on the Invesp blog.

  • 404 error pages are common and can frustrate users; they represent a wasted opportunity for many brands.
  • A 404 error page is an HTTP status code indicating the server couldn’t find the requested page; optimizing these pages for a better customer experience is crucial.
  • Reasons for 404 pages include deleted/moved content, incorrect URLs, server issues, DNS problems, non-existent domain names, and user errors.
  • Optimizing 404 pages involves understanding the customer’s intent and tailoring the page to their needs.
  • 8 ideas to increase conversions on 404 error pages:
  1. Display some of your products to show visitors what you have to offer.
  2. Turn the 404 page into a search box to help visitors find what they’re looking for.
  3. Add user reviews of your products to build trust and credibility.
  4. Use the 404 page as a lead magnet by offering incentives in exchange for visitors’ email addresses.
  5. Leave a positive impression by using humor and unique design elements to make the page memorable.
  6. Guide visitors to relevant content by suggesting top categories or helpful links.
  7. Add a human touch by showcasing your team members, and your story or adding a personalized message.
  8. Use exit-intent popups with offers, discounts, or valuable content to encourage visitors to stay on your site.
  • Treat your 404 page as an essential part of your website and optimize it to improve conversions and decrease bounce rates. Offer solutions that help visitors out of the dead-end and create a positive user experience.

See the longer article on the Invesp blog to learn more on this topic.



Khalid Saleh

CEO @Invesp - Amazon bestselling author on Conversion Optimization #cro #abtesting