Basic Debugging Techniques in PHP

Khalid Zeiter
5 min readMay 6, 2023



Debugging is a crucial part of the software development process. It involves identifying and fixing errors or bugs in the code to ensure that the application works as intended. PHP, as a popular server-side scripting language, also requires debugging to ensure that it functions correctly. In this article, we’ll explore different debugging techniques in PHP, including their advantages and how to implement them in your code.

Syntax Checking

Syntax checking is the first step in debugging PHP code. It involves verifying that the code is free from syntax errors that can cause the application to crash. To perform syntax checking, you can use the PHP interpreter or an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that supports syntax highlighting and error highlighting. The PHP interpreter checks the code for syntax errors before executing it.


php -l example.php

This command will check the syntax of the “example.php” file and report any errors found. Using an IDE that supports syntax highlighting is a more convenient way of checking for syntax errors as it highlights any syntax errors in the code while you are editing it.

Debugging with var_dump()

The var_dump() function is another useful tool for debugging PHP code. It displays the data type and value of a variable or expression. This is especially useful when trying to debug complex data structures such as arrays or objects.


$person = array("name" => "John", "age" => 30, "address" => "123 Main St");



array(3) {
string(4) "John"
string(11) "123 Main St"

Debugging with print_r() function

The print_r() function is used to display the content of an array, object, or variable in a human-readable format. This technique is useful when developers want to see the contents of an array or object to help identify errors or unexpected behavior.


$array = array("a", "b", "c");


[0] => a
[1] => b
[2] => c

Debugging with error_reporting()

The error_reporting() function is a useful tool for debugging PHP code. It allows you to specify which types of errors should be reported and how they should be handled. This can be useful when you’re working on a large codebase and want to focus on specific types of errors.



Debugging with display_errors() function

The display_errors() function is used to display errors generated by PHP. By setting the value of the display_errors() function to On, developers can see errors, warnings, and notices on the web page. This technique is useful when developers want to see errors on the web page while they are developing the code.

ini_set('display_errors', 'On');

Debugging with debug_backtrace() function

The debug_backtrace() function is used to display the call stack of a PHP script. This technique is useful when developers want to see the function call stack to help identify errors or unexpected behavior.


function a() {

function b() {

function c() {



#0  c() called at [test.php:9]
#1 b() called at [test.php:5]
#2 a() called at [test.php:13]

Debugging with Xdebug

Xdebug is a powerful debugging tool for PHP that allows developers to debug their code in real time. Xdebug provides a wide range of debugging features, including stack traces, variable inspection, and code coverage analysis. This technique is useful when developers want to debug their code more efficiently and effectively.

Here’s an example of how to enable Xdebug in the PHP configuration file:

zend_extension = /path/to/
xdebug.remote_enable = 1
xdebug.remote_autostart = 1
xdebug.remote_connect_back = 1

To use Xdebug, developers need to install the Xdebug extension for PHP and configure their PHP environment. Once installed and configured, developers can use their preferred IDE to connect to the Xdebug debugger and start debugging their code.

Debugging with logging

Logging is a common technique for debugging PHP code. It involves writing messages to a log file at specific points in your code to help you understand how the code is executing. You can use logging to record the value of variables, track the flow of your code, and identify errors and exceptions.

To use logging into your PHP code, you’ll need to use a logging library such as Monolog or Log4php. These libraries provide a simple and flexible API for writing log messages to various destinations, including files, databases, and remote servers.

Here’s an example of how to use Monolog to write log messages to a file:

require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;

// Create a logger
$log = new Logger('my_logger');

// Add a log handler
$log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('path/to/logfile.log', Logger::DEBUG));

// Log a message
$log->debug('This is a debug message');

In this example, we create a new Monolog logger and add a stream handler to write log messages to a file. We then log a debug message using the logger.

Debugging with PHPUnit

PHPUnit is a popular unit testing framework for PHP. It allows you to write automated tests for your PHP code and run them as part of your build process. In addition to testing your code, PHPUnit can be used for debugging by providing detailed error messages and stack traces.

To use PHPUnit for debugging, you’ll need to write test cases that exercise the code you want to debug. You can then use PHPUnit’s debugging features to examine the state of your code and identify errors and exceptions.


use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class MyTest extends TestCase {
public function testAddition() {
$x = 5;
$y = 7;
$z = $x + $y;
$this->assertEquals(12, $z);

In this example, we define a test case that checks the addition of two numbers. We then use the assertEquals() method to compare the result of the addition with the expected value. If the test fails, PHPUnit will provide a detailed error message and stack trace to help you identify the cause of the failure.


Debugging is an essential part of the software development process, and PHP is no exception. By using a combination of syntax checking, var_dump(), print_r(), error_reporting(), display_errors(), XDebug, logging, and PHPUnit, you can quickly identify and fix errors in your PHP code.

It’s important to remember that different debugging techniques may be more or less effective depending on the complexity of your code and the nature of the errors you’re trying to identify. As you gain experience with PHP development, you’ll develop a sense of which techniques are most useful for different types of debugging tasks.

In addition to the techniques discussed in this article, there are many other tools and libraries available for debugging PHP code. Some examples include Xdebug, Kint, and PHP Debug Bar. By exploring these and other tools, you can further enhance your ability to debug PHP code and become a more effective developer.

Debugging can be a time-consuming and frustrating process, but it’s an essential part of building high-quality software. By taking a systematic approach to debugging and using a range of techniques and tools, you can minimize the time and effort required to identify and fix errors in your PHP code. With practice and experience, you’ll become more efficient and effective at debugging, helping you to deliver better software faster.

