From Thank Yous to Health Boosts: A Gratitude Glow-Up

I hate complainers.

Khalimah Malik
3 min readAug 8, 2023

Sounds harsh, but the truth is my insensitivity to those who show little appreciation for life itself didn’t grow overnight.

I actually had to hit rock bottom and journey deep within myself to develop a strong sense of gratitude for the world around me.

I cannot make others open their minds to different perspectives, however, staying stuck in a limited mindset is a choice.

We take advantage of what’s available to us until that privilege is suddenly snatched away.

When I say available, I mean:

  • Physical assets
  • Mental capabilities
  • Emotional stability
  • Social connections
  • Simple everyday freedoms

Now, this isn’t about blaming individuals for failing to be grateful; it’s a call to understand the profound science behind gratitude.

This is how I harnessed this simple yet potent emotion which significantly impact my well-being.

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The Brain on Gratitude

A quick biology rundown: expressing gratitude can light up certain areas of our brain. When we are grateful, we release dopamine and serotonin, two neurotransmitters that play a pivotal role in our mood.

That uplifting feeling? It’s not just a state of mind; it’s a physiological reaction.

Gratitude, Stress, and Your Well-being

The hustle and grind of our society leaves us stressed. But here’s the catch — practicing gratitude can be a counterbalance.

Research links gratitude to lower cortisol levels, our primary stress hormone. When we shift our mindset to appreciate the positives, it lessens feelings of stress and anxiety.

The Immunity Boost and Quality Sleep

D*amn, who would’ve thought…

Studies point towards a positive correlation between gratitude and a stronger immune system.

Additionally, making it a habit to reflect on the good before sleeping can pave the way for deeper and more restorative sleep.

Relationships Flourish with Appreciation

Positive relationships thrive on mutual respect and acknowledgment. Expressing gratitude is a way of fostering this.

By voicing our appreciation, we nurture the bonds we share, making them stronger and more enduring.

Cultivating Gratitude

My gratitude regime looks a lot like this:

Meditation: Take a moment to reflect on the blessings. A few minutes of silent contemplation can elevate your sense of gratitude and overall contentment.

Speak It Out: Next time you feel appreciative, vocalize it. Integrating gratitude into daily conversations can make a world of difference.

Pen It Down: Grab a notebook and dedicate a few minutes at the end of your day to note down things you’re grateful for. This simple practice can rewire your brain over time. Writing has a therapeutic touch.

Digital Detox: In the age of social media, it’s easy to fall into the comparison trap. Taking periodic breaks from social media is a great way to reset and restore your mental health without external influences.

The Wrap Up

Just say thank you & stop b*tchin.

No, I’m playing.

In recognizing and appreciating what we have, we not only enrich our own lives but also touch the lives of those around us.

It’s more than just saying “thank you”; it’s about perceiving the world with a lens of appreciation, even when things don’t go as planned.

Adopting a gratitude-centric approach can pave the way for better health, happiness, and a deeper understanding of oneself and the world.

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Khalimah Malik | Founder of Society144



Khalimah Malik

Empower individuals to regain control of their minds and ascend to their highest potential |