I’m tired of the word ‘Consistency’

And why you should be too

Khalimah Malik
3 min readAug 10, 2023

Seven years spent dabbling in the world of online entrepreneurship. Thousands of dollars spent on ebooks, courses, & programs. Hundreds of hours of watch and listening time on podcasts and Youtube.

The same word has been repeated over and over and over again — Consistency.

I’ve finally hit my frustration with the word, but here’s why.

The Simple Answer To Success

Yes, it’s undeniable. Every self-proclaimed guru, every motivational speaker, and every success-driven podcast inevitably leads to the same mantra: “Stay consistent”.

Yet, the saturation of this piece of advice has led me to question its very foundation.

Why? It’s too broad, too generic, and too commonly used as a blanket solution for anyone seeking progress.

The Double-Edged Sword of Consistency

Don’t get me wrong, there’s merit to the concept. The principle behind it suggests that regular action toward your goals can lead to success. But it’s like saying, “Just breathe, and you’ll live.”

Yep, breathing is essential, but there’s more to life than just that. The frequent use of ‘consistency’ offers a false promise. It doesn’t define what to be consistent in or how to achieve it.

And therein lies the danger. We might end up consistently doing the wrong thing, leading to fatigue, burnout, and worse — potential failure.

Beyond the One-Word Solution

Here are some actionable methods to supplement this one-word solution:

Specify Your Actions: Before aiming for consistency, define what you want to be consistent in. Want to be a content creator? Outline your niche, study your audience, and produce tailor-made material. Don’t just upload anything and everything daily.

Quality Over Quantity: Consistency is key, but consistently putting out low-quality work to meet a daily quota won’t serve your purpose. It’s better to release high-quality work less frequently than mediocre outputs daily.

Re-evaluate and Iterate: Consistency shouldn’t mean stagnancy. Every few months, review your progress. If something isn’t working, change your approach. There’s no harm in pivoting as long as you’re moving toward your goals.

Rest is Productive: This might sound counterintuitive, but taking a break can sometimes be the most productive thing you do. It allows you to return with a fresh mindset, ready to tackle challenges more effectively.

Network and Learn: Instead of being consistently lost in your world, step out. Engage with peers, attend workshops, or simply have conversations. You’ll often find solutions and ideas in the most unexpected places.

In Search of a New Mantra

The world of online entrepreneurship isn’t just about staying the course, but it’s about navigating the waters, understanding when to speed up, when to change direction, and when to drop anchor for a while.

Instead of blind consistency, let’s foster a community that encourages strategic action, thoughtful planning, and wisdom.

The Wrap Up

While the idea behind ‘consistency’ is golden, its overuse has diluted its value. It’s time for us to dig deeper, demand clearer guidelines, and embark on paths with a richer understanding of what it genuinely takes to succeed in the vast and dynamic realm of online entrepreneurship.

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Khalimah Malik

Empower individuals to regain control of their minds and ascend to their highest potential | https://khalimah144.substack.com/