This Is How I Mastered the Art of Self-Discipline (And You Can Too)

Khalimah Malik
4 min readAug 7, 2023


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Surprisingly, as I’ve grown older, I realized how many people truly lack this skill.

I was once on that side of the fence — I get it. But, I couldn’t settle with the thought of something intangible having power over me.

Having the discipline to rewire your mind into forming new habits, thought patterns, and perspectives of life is not a mere flip of a switch.

Fortunately, a small seed of desire and willingness to master yourself is all that’s needed.

The importance of self-discipline in our lives can’t be overstated. It’s the foundation upon which we build strong habits, which keeps us on course when we’re tempted to stray off the path of productivity.

It’s the driving force that empowers us to turn our dreams into reality.

Now, the thousand-dollar question — How can you master this art?

Here are a few methods I used to cultivate self-discipline and permanently re-engineer my mindset for long-term success.

Start Small, Aim Big

If you’re like me and can change things on demand — go for it.

However, for most people implementing small changes is the way to go. I usually create a list of changes I want to make and follow up with how I plan to do it.

For there, I commit myself to a 30-day challenge.

For example, I implemented meditation into my daily routine and set a reminder on my phone to ensure I dedicate at least 20 minutes to it.

Consistency is Key

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” — Aristotle

I’ve learned that consistency doesn’t equate to daily. Repetition can be done every other day, weekly, or once a month.

The key is to determine the frequency you can commit to in order to create a rhythm.

If that means working out 2x a week — consistency is repeating that action over a long period to see your desired results. Eventually, this new habit will become second nature.

Embrace the Power of Routine

Now looking back at my childhood, growing up in a military household paid its dues.

Routine and structure were instilled in me at an early age, which is why mastering self-discipline wasn’t too much of a battle to grasp.

What has always been my go-to for sticking to routines is creating weekly to-do lists and/or schedules for myself.

Every day I should know what I’m doing. I should have goals I’m working on. I should always be busy even when I’m not.

Because what’s free time?

The Power of Your Environment

Your surroundings play a pivotal role in shaping your behavior and discipline. I underestimated the importance of the environment in which you operate and how it can elevate or stagnate you.

The company you keep has a direct influence over your behaviors and actions. I had to distance myself from certain people once I realized the impact their behaviors had on my growth — even subtly.

A space filled with distractions will inevitably pull you away from your goals, while a well-organized, conducive environment can be a catalyst for productivity and discipline.

Resilience in the Face of Setbacks

You’re bound to face obstacles on this path.

Instead of viewing these as failures, perceive them as learning opportunities. Be resilient and use these experiences to better equip yourself for future challenges.

Tap Into Your Inner Child

Practicing self-discipline doesn’t mean eliminating the fun from your life. Mastering yourself is also discovering the things that bring you fulfillment.

Within your routine, dedicate a day or time of the day to do an activity that makes you tap into your inner child.

For me, that’s playing The Sims for a few hours — and idgaf who judges lol.

The Wrap Up

Mastering the art of self-discipline isn’t about pursuing perfection; it’s about creating a better version of yourself, one day at a time.

Through consistency, routine, resilience, a healthy environment, a habit of starting small, and some personal enjoyment, you’ll soon find that you’re not just building discipline but also paving the way to an overall successful and fulfilling life.

Self-discipline is not an end in itself; it’s a means to unlock your true potential.

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Khalimah Malik | Founder of Society144



Khalimah Malik

Empower individuals to regain control of their minds and ascend to their highest potential |