Internal vs. External APIs

Khallil Bailey
3 min readNov 6, 2018


What Is An API?

An API(Application Programming Interface that can allow how one application interacts with another.It also defines a set of rules that allow the application to act within itself to get specific information. There are many are many APIs that are used within one application. APIs can for an allow for application automation, efficiency, and personalization and much more. They can make a developers life a lot easier. So it makes you ask the question: Whats the difference?

Internal vs External

Internal-These APIs work on the interior on the business side. They can be used to make business more efficient such as sending data to an HR office to understand and consume. Internal APIs allow for you to create a solution to an internal problem that could even be automated by the developed API. It makes integrating a lot smoother because its made to handle the task rather than customizing an existing solution.

External-These APIs are often referred to as open APIs meaning that they are usable by the greater population of web and mobile developers. External APIs can be used by internal developers or developers of the API software. The main use of open APIs is to peek developer interest. It can allow for new ideas to be formed because of the access to a working API that can solve a problem or create a new feature in an application. Open APIs need to be engaging for developers to want to use them.

Why Use An Internal API?

A big concern of any buisness is that they want their data to be secure. Sending data to an external resources to complete a task is a potential security risk. Using an internal API helps streamline the data used by another department in the buisness. Internal APIs also allow your buisness to be extremely flexible and agile. Cross-departmental projects today often require a big program management apparatus and onerous processes. By putting an API across multiple departments it allows flexibility and a multitude of data to be shared within the company. Since the API was developed to work on internal systems it can be adjusted to departmental needs, company needs, or even user needs. Internal APIs can even save a company money, by automating everyday tasks. With these APIs companies would no longer have to build proprietary connectors or integration to support external APIs. Instead resources could be geared into making the company more efficient.

Why Use An External API?

Using an external API provides a wide amount of versatility and support. They can help save time when writing code by reducing the amount of errors. Writing code can take a immense amount of time, then bug checking can take more time. External APIs help reduce that with documenting how the API should be used along with its further uses. External APIs also allow for more integrations. Since they are “open” to the public people are able to use them over many different platforms. Such as google and yahoo have API integrations that allow you to use their search functions within the confines of your own app. Also by using External APIs companies don’t have to worry about hiring new developers, while still increasing company revenue since the companies are using and API that is being developed and perfected by developers outside of the company.s


In conclusion the choice of Internal vs External its all a matter of the users you’ll be reaching with you application. Each has their benefits to what they can bring to a company and its users. APIs are a powerful tool that can make a company great or cause more problems are necessary. Every company has data that they need to manage and serve it’s just a matter of what platform to use to reach those users.

