Gurpreet Singh Rummy

5 min readJun 13, 2022


Gurpreet Singh Rummy is the founder of Khalsa Help International.

Khalsa Help International’s journey started on 25th March 2020. Our Founder came up with the idea of oxygen langar when the whole nation was struggling with the oxygen crisis, which saved around 10k-12k lives and later became a global phenomenon.

He is a very great man, who has supported many people after the Covid situation. Even during the lockdown when the situation was so bad at that time it also helped many patients with wheels on oxygen and gave rations to many poor and needy people.

Khalsa Help International is a non-profit organization that helps the unfortunate. The founder of Khalsa Help was also awarded the First International Mahan Gurmat Samagam and Samaan Smaroh where 21 International and National Sikh personalities were honored and this took place on 2nd February 2022.

He came up with many new policies and programs to help Covid patients and others who need help at that very moment.

He in addition to serving humanity has also been Spending his Precious time in Sewa for any Gurudwara Sahib needing help. He helped in the construction of Lanter for the Gurudwara.

He is very well known as “OXYGEN MAN” as he is the one who is always there on duty for the patients who were not able to get access to oxygen cylinders in Covid 19 pandemic. He (Oxygen Man of India) has been Felicitated by the “Punjab Ekta Samiti”. As when everyone was scared of coming out of their home, he was the one to take a stand for all of the patients and help them with Oxygen Cylinders.

He Operates the largest Langar on Ghaziabad Border to fill the stomach of every hungry person without any difference in religion. As he is the man who thinks that everyone is similar, there is no difference based on caste, color, or religion. He has provided langar with free hospital services too.

Amid the spiraling Covid-19 cases in Uttar Pradesh, the Gurdwara Samiti of Indirapuram in Ghaziabad has started a unique initiative “oxygen langar” to help patients infected with the virus when the life-saving gas is in short supply.

The “oxygen langar” at the gurdwara was set up by Khalsa Help International and Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha.

Though the group isn’t providing cylinders for home, patients can come to the Indirapuram gurdwara and use them till their oxygen levels normalize. The group has helped 250 Covid-19 patients so far.

He said the group has managed to arrange 25 big cylinders but they aren’t enough. He also said the group doesn’t have enough empty cylinders to help those in need but will arrange more.

On the black marketing of oxygen cylinders, he said it is unfortunate that people are using a pandemic for minting money. The Samiti has published its phone numbers so that patients’ family members can take an appointment before coming to the gurdwara.

On the night of April 22, Gurpreet Singh Rummy, along with four fellow social workers, stood outside the Shri Guru Singh Sabha Gurudwara in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, the streets around him a dystopian nightmare of death and helplessness. The 49-year-old president of Khalsa Help International (KHI), a social help group formed during the Covid lockdown in March 2020. It was something they had been planning for a week after watching hospitals turn away patients wheezing from lack of oxygen.

The challenge was to maintain a regular supply of oxygen. For this, the KHI reached out to oxygen plants located as far as Baddi in Himachal Pradesh, Haridwar in Uttarakhand, Jaipur in Rajasthan, and Ludhiana and Rupnagar in Punjab. Vehicles moved round the clock to ensure timely refilling and subsequent delivery of oxygen cylinders to the gurdwara, sometimes reaching the volunteers minutes before the supply ran out. All of this was very risky, but he stood there for each and every patient to help, without any hesitation.

Within two days, the daily number of patients coming to the gurdwara began to exceed 400. KHI volunteers, under his supervision, began using plumbing pipes to administer oxygen to 10–16 people simultaneously from one cylinder. Around 30 beds were set up within the Gurudwara to fulfill the Khalsa Help International efforts.

The langar continued till May 14. According to KHI, they helped around 15,000 Covid patients in 22 days. Of these, nearly 7,000 had arr­ived with their Oxygen levels as low as 50 to 60 percent. The oxygen langar has now been shifted to the Krishna Dental College in Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad with the support of Rummy Ji.

With the virus spreading in rural areas, KHI is also setting up an oxygen langar in Kashipur, Uttar Pradesh, to maximize their reach and take their services to where it is needed most.

The “oxygen langar” at the gurdwara was set up two weeks ago by Khalsa Help International and Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha. Beds, with oxygen cylinders, concentrators, and masks, have been laid out in a large tent equipped with fans and coolers. There are also chairs, in case the beds are occupied.

President of the gurdwara committee and founding member of Khalsa Help has arranged 25–30 beds at the gurdwara. More than 70 patients come there every day and they tend not to say ‘NO’ to anyone. They have also received donations from some states. But it was difficult to get oxygen cylinders but still, they have arranged them somehow.

Most of those who visit hospitals are in urgent need of oxygen but are unable to find a place in a hospital. Many wait at the gurdwara while their families look for a bed. Some patients return home as they begin to feel better, some others are unable to survive.

He said “The doors of our gurdwara are open to everyone. Many patients come when their SPO2 level has fallen considerably, and they are at a critical stage. Patients are free to use the oxygen supply until they feel better. By God’s grace, we have an adequate supply of oxygen, but even then we are unable to save some patients”.

Officials said despite the availability of oxygen, at least 10 patients face severe complications at the langar every day on average. Volunteers at the gurdwara said many patients are brought when they are already critical, and in need of ventilator support. When some severely ill patients stop responding, they are rushed to one of the four Covid hospitals in Indirapuram for last-minute efforts at resuscitation.

On the blocked road outside the gurdwara, on which the tent has been erected, patients sit in chairs, wearing masks with nozzles connected to oxygen cylinders. Recently, the gurdwara also set up a central oxygen supply system, like in hospitals.

He has source cylinders from Haridwar, Haryana, and other places and they send their vehicles wherever they need to. His effort is to not refuse anyone. A lot of people were doing sewa as well. Their priority was to save lives. Once a patient arrives, it takes less than a minute to set the supply up,”

Gurdwara staff — mostly volunteers from the NCR — help unload cylinders, seat patients and keep track of the oxygen stock. The gurdwara has four ambulances and a hearse van and offers its services for free.

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Khalsa Help International highlight those parts of the society that are broken, so we can help them in all possible ways to regain hope and flourish in life.