3D Printing Money Saving Tips and Tricks — Budget Proof 3D Printing for Beginners.

Daud Abdullah
5 min readJan 20, 2024

Yo, future inventors! Ever dreamed of holding your own creations in your hands, like a phone case you designed or a fidget spinner that defies gravity? Buckle up, because 3D printing isn’t just for fancy labs anymore. It’s like a magic workshop in your own room, and guess what? You don’t need a billionaire’s wallet to join the fun!

Think of 3D printing as your personal magic drawing machine. You feed it a digital design, and it hums and whirs, and bam! Out pops a real-life object you can actually touch and brag about.

But hold on, young wizards — those cool filaments (think fancy ink cartridges) can cost a pretty penny. Don’t worry, though, because we’re about to unleash some budget-friendly hacks and tips to fuel your 3D printing adventures without blowing your allowance:

Gear Up on a Garage Sale Budget:

  • Second-hand Superhero: Before you splurge on a brand-new printer, check out the pre-loved market! Websites like eBay and local classifieds (Facebook Groups, Discord Servers, and Facebook Marketplace) are treasure troves for gently used printers at a fraction of the price. Just like finding a cool vintage bike, you can score a sweet deal and give a printer a second life.
  • Filament Frenzy: Okay, filament might be the magic dust of your creations, but it doesn’t have to drain your piggy bank. Keep an eye out for bulk discounts, especially on popular colors. Bonus points for teaming up with other printing pals and splitting larger orders — teamwork makes the filament dream work!
  • Free-for-All Models: You don’t always need to pay for fancy designs. Websites like Thingiverse and MyMiniFactory are bursting with free 3D models for everything from action figures to phone stands. Download, tweak, and print to your heart’s content — freedom never felt so cool!

Master the Money-Saving Moves:

  • Think inside the (infill) box: Infill is the material that fills the inside of your print, like the goo inside a gummy bear. By adjusting the infill density in your slicer software (the program that preps your designs for printing), you can use less filament without sacrificing strength. Remember, sometimes hollow is better, like a lighter, cooler gummy bear!
  • Repurpose with Passion: Broken jewelry, leftover plastic scraps — don’t toss them! You can even grind them down into tiny bits and use them as filament for new creations. Bonus points for being eco-friendly — save money, save the planet, high five!
    Have a look here: VIDEO

Beyond the Bargains:

Remember, 3D printing is about more than just saving cash. It’s about learning, tinkering, and unleashing your inner mad scientist. So don’t be afraid to experiment!

  • Get Crafty with Design: Even without fancy software, you can create amazing things. Websites like Tinkercad offer simple, beginner-friendly tools to design your own models. Let your imagination run wild — think 3D-printed cookies or a custom rocket for your desk!
  • Join the Tribe: The 3D printing world is full of helpful and friendly folks. Join online forums (LINK), attend local meetups (LINK), and learn from each other. Sharing ideas and tips is a great way to grow your skills and save some cash along the way — knowledge is power (and sometimes cheaper than filament)!
  • Think beyond the Toy Box: 3D printing isn’t just for fun and games. It can be incredibly useful! Print replacement parts for broken items, create custom organizers for your room, or even design assistive devices to help others. The possibilities are endless — use your imagination to make the world a cooler place!

So, there you have it, young inventors! With a little resourcefulness and these budget-friendly tricks, you can embark on your 3D printing journey without breaking the bank. Remember, the most important ingredient is your imagination. So fire up that printer, unleash your creativity, and get ready to build something amazing!


  • More engaging and informal language: Using slang and fun metaphors makes the blog more relatable and exciting for young readers.
  • Focus on problem-solving and empowerment: The emphasis is on overcoming challenges and using creativity to solve problems, not just saving money.
  • Stronger call to action: The ending encourages readers to take action and share their creations.

Bonus Hack: Remember, the best way to save money is to avoid mistakes! Before hitting print, double-check your design, calibrate your printer, and learn from other makers’ experiences. A little research can go a long way in saving filament and frustration.

So, are you ready to unleash your inner inventor? With a dash of resourcefulness, a sprinkle of creativity, and these budget-friendly hacks, you’re all set to conquer the world of 3D printing! Grab your filament, fire up your printer, and get ready to build something epic. Remember, the only limit is your imagination!

Happy printing, young makers!

P.S. Don’t forget to share your creations with the world! Send me your links to your social media posts (in the comment section of this blog) and show what you’ve made. I can’t wait to see your budget-busting brilliance!



Daud Abdullah

From concept to creation, I bridge the gap between dreams and machines i.e., engineering.