Why water is important for life.

Mehreen Shahzadi
3 min readJan 13, 2021


Introduction: We know that everything is made of atoms. Atoms join together to form molecules. A water molecule has three atoms: two hydrogen and one oxygen atom. A single drop of contains billions of water molecules. All living things need water to survive. Animals, plants, insects, and birds all need water to grow. It covers 70% or more than of the surface of the earth. Pure water has no color, no taste and no smell.

How water is important for our body.

Water plays a key role in our human body. We might be able to live for a month without food but we cannot survive without water.

Did you know that:

.Water helps to digest our food.

.Minerals, Vitamins, amino acids, glucose and other substances are absorbed by our body through water.

. It helps to remove waste products and toxins from our body.

. Water deliver nutrients to all cells in our body.

. It helps in weight loss. it boots energy. it hydrates skin.

.Water keeps our body cool in hot weather by sweating which is mainly water.

Facts about water: Water makes up 95% of our blood, 75% of our brain, and 85% of our lungs. 60%–70% of our body consists on water

. A cucumber contains 96% of water it contains highest water content of any food.

. A tomato is about 95% of water. An apple is about 85% of water.

In a day how much water should we drink?

There is no single formula fits for everyone. because this question depends on many factors like health of the person, age of the person, exercise, weather etc. As we heard the advice to drink 8 glasses of water in a day.

The U.S national academies of sciences and engineering determines the water intake for males and females.

3.7 liter of fluid for men and 2.7 liter for women.

As a general rule how much water should drink by kids.

.For toddlers 2–4 cups

.4–8 years 5 cups

.9–13 years 7–8 cups

.14 and up 8- 11 cups


When more water and fluids leave our body it occurs dehydration. headaches and constipation can cause low levels of dehydration. There are some symptoms of dehydration.

. Lips, eyes and a dry mouth

. you feel thirsty. you feel tired. Rapid heart beat

. having very dark yellow pee.

How to rehydrate?

Each problem has a solution. so, there are some ways to recover dehydration.

.Drinking water is cheapest way to prevent from dehydration.

. Use skim and low fat milk

. Use of coffee and tea.

. intake of fruits and vegetables.

Dangers of drinking too much water.

If we drink too much water sodium in our body to become diluted. when it happens it increases the water levels of our body and our body cells begin to swell. Water makes up about two-third of our body. it causes many health problems like pressure inside their skull increases this can cause many severe symptoms, headaches, vomiting and nausea.

Bottom line: We should take diet with moderation.

