If You Don’t Need It, Donate It.

Khansa Anwar
3 min readJun 14, 2020


We buy a lot of clothes all year round, some of these clothes are left hanging in our closet. They remain untouched until one day we throw them away, making room for new clothes. Why dump them when there are thousands of under-privileged people around us struggling to get enough bread to live for the next day and enough shelter that promises them some hope for tomorrow. The best way to clean any closet is through donating clothes. So, before you throw your old clothes in the trash, consider donating them.

Donating clothes is an indispensable and transparent way of donation as well as to help needy people. Even though you do not want your old garments anymore, it is almost certain that someone else will. There are many people in need of usable clothing. When you throw away your clothes, they have no chance of reaching people who need them the most. Please, donate your old clothes to orphanages or old age homes or anywhere around you. We can provide for them and can make their smiles less painful.

Do not dump, donate old clothes. Because deeds of giving are the very foundation of world. Being charitable and providing for the needy are important features of the humanity.

Recently, I had a job to arrange a clothing bank. We were told to collect old textiles and were asked to deliver them to legitimate. So, I had a chance to meet the people who do not have enough rag to cover themselves away from humiliation. We should always be thankful for what we have and the best way to be thankful is to add others to our happiness, especially those who are far from that happiness and comfort. Contribute to make others life better.

All thanks to Foster learning Pakistan who made me realize that charity is not something about giving all your wealth, even your small deed can be a blessing for someone. If you are the owner of Lakhs of crores, then giving a share out of them is not a big deal but giving thousands out of thousands is a big deal.

When you help others, something good happens for you too. Doing a good deed like donating your old clothes will make you feel good because you are doing something for a valuable cause. You are getting rid of the mess in your home and helping others at the same time.

So, be a part of this good work. Also, when you donate your clothes, you are saving the environment from a lot of harm. According to the EPA, it costs $45 on average per ton to dispose of waste in a landfill.

Nearly 100% of the textiles in your home can be recycled and donated, regardless of the quality or condition. This means you really have no reason not to donate your old clothes. Donate, if you have clothes that you do not wear anymore, and you are ready to revamp your wardrobe, one man’s old shirt could be new of other one’s. It is better for the environment, it helps children in need of clothing, and you will feel great.

Get in the habit of giving because this habit gives a lot.

