2 min readDec 5, 2023


Photo by Adem ay on Unsplash

Do you also see people on social media seem to be living their best lives, perfect, independent, colorful and full of smiles? Seeing this you must wonder and deep down feel discontented and depressed for not enjoying the same privileges these people have. This is because of how consistently social media is influencing our perceptions by showcasing glorified and unrealistic lifestyles that do not even exist.

Chasing after making money and being famous is all for living the happiest life. Sounds familiar? Yes, we are daily being fed with this dose of happiness myth, in which our desires are tempted to become like those illusionary personas, which we idealize virtually, to live a fulfilled life. However, what we are shown are just dreamy highlights and not the real face of people’s actual lives. But we start comparing our lives with those so-called happy faces, successes and achievements on social media. As a result, we get even more agitated and distressed. On top of all that, we develop an attitude of ungratefulness towards our own blessings in life that horribly affects our overall mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Having a contented heart and peaceful mind is itself a luxury in this dark and depressive world. The ultimate secret of contentment of heart is found in being happy and satisfied with whatever blessings you already have in your life. Allah (SWT) encourages us to show gratitude in life. He says, “If you are grateful, I will surely increase you” [Qur’an 14:7]. It means gratefulness is also a path to getting more blessings and being successful.

In a beautiful hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Look at those who are beneath you and do not look at those who are above you, for it is more suitable that you should not consider as less the blessing of Allah.” [Sunan Ibn Majah]. What beautiful advice he (SAW) has given to humanity that we should look at the people who are deprived of those blessings that we have so that we will not take ours for granted, and ultimately it will also prevent us from developing envious behavior seeing people on social media thriving. That will surely help us to secure our peace of mind.

“Beware of the deluded trap of social media and do not see your life through someone else’s mirror”

