Why should you choose ILHT Pakistan for hair transplant in Lahore?

Safa Khan
3 min readApr 30, 2024

Hair loss is a big problem for both men and women nowadays. It is one of the stress-causing factors for both genders. People tend to do many remedies to overcome this problem with each try, but they don’t get the results.

Achieving no results makes them lose hope and confidence because hair is one of the main factors of looks and one’s appearance. A bald head shatters the personality, especially for women. There are many ways to resolve this issue, but all are a temporary solution. The most effective way and famous way of getting your hair back is a hair transplant. Besides, there are many clinics and centers in Pakistan doing hair transplant surgery, so the best among them is ILHT Pakistan for hair transplant in Lahore.

It’s a difficult thing to choose the best clinic and the best surgeon for your hair transplant procedure. It is a risky and complicated surgery that puts your brain at risk. If done in improper ways, it may risk your life. To avoid this, you must do proper research about surgeons and clinics having a good reputation for doing hair transplants, having facilities of services, and hygiene; they must have innovative, clean tools to work with. The surgeons should be well-qualified and experienced in doing hair transplant surgeries. They must have a proper record of such expertise. Before selecting any surgeon or clinic, see the reviews related to them and ask byour family and friends for the best opinion.

One of the famous centers for hair transplants in Lahore is ILHT. It’s an international center for hair transplant that has also spread its branch in Lahore, Pakistan. They are the creators of hair transplant surgery and possess a good record. They offer surgeries involving lasers.

Here are the reasons why you should choose ILHT PK for a hair transplant in Lahore:

 They are the best in single follicle hair transplant surgery in Pakistan. What is single follicle hair transplant surgery? It is also called FUE (follicular unit extraction), in which hair follicles are extracted from the scalp at the back of the head through micro punches. The extracted hair follicles are transplanted in the donor area of the scalp. Before the surgery, the entire donor area is trimmed 1–2 mm in length. Patients get local anesthesia in this surgery.

  1. Surgeons at ILHT are very experienced in their knowledge of hair transplants.

2. ILHT for hair transplant in Lahore has the most number of records of surgeries in Pakistan.

3. At ILHT, you get treatment from a team of American surgeons and a team in Pakistan. Only ILHT has the American team.

4. ILHT is the center of hair transplant in Lahore that has created innovative techniques and provides related tools for your hair transplant surgery. All of them are used all across the world.

5. ILHT works best in the FUE technique that gives you a reduced number of scars.

6. ILHT’s Expansion Technique has been awarded the world’s best technique by ISHRS.

7. ILHT offers an arithmetic system that uses your facial proportions, angles, and ratios to give you a unique individual hairline that is best for life.

8. When you have gone through an incorrect hair transplant from somewhere else, ILHT has the expertise to correct it and make you look better.

9. ILHT is a pioneer in serving you with the PRP technique.

It is the latest and innovative technique for recovering your hair non-surgically. No medicine or anesthesia is required. The patient can leave and resume their activities after having the treatment. It’s a non-aggressive procedure in which the patient’s blood is involved. It is the best solution for hair thinning and is an efficient, simple procedure. It is the most demanding treatment for hair loss. Surgeons also recommend it to their patients.


As said earlier, undergoing the wrong hair transplant will lead you to deadly risks. Always do detailed research before going to any clinic or doctor for your hair transplant. Choose a well-reputed clinic. It must have trained, experienced doctors like ILHT PK despite being expensive. If you are planning to undergo a hair transplant in Lahore, it’s ideal to go to ILHT Pakistan because it is undoubtedly the best!



Safa Khan

It’s a difference you can see in the quality of your hair restoration, the outstanding value you receive and our tireless dedication to your complete satisfacti