7 min readDec 5, 2020

My parents my life

The word “parents” is made up of two personalities one is called “Mother” while second is called “Father”. Both of them play a key role in development of their children. Now first we look at the role of mother in the development of her children.

  • Mother:

Mother is the one who give her children a lot of happiness but she herself remain in difficulties. She is one who can understand her children without their saying she can understand them only by their expressions. Whenever her children get engaged with any kind of difficulties then she is the one who feels pain in her heart. She is one whose love is purest love in the whole world.

So we can say that yes mother is the one who cares and loves her children without any expectations of rewards. Here love is the most purest love in the world.

  • Father:

Father is like a sun. It means when sunshine it lights up each and everything but itself burns in fire. Similarly “Father” is like a sun he faces a lot of difficulties but it gives peace to his children. He burns in difficulties,faces the destruction of rain and the cruel Strom but at the end he keeps his children save from all these difficulties and destruction

So father is similar to sun which lights up each and everything

  • Parent’s sacrifices:

Parent’s sacrifices can not be counted. They soo much that wo are unable to count. Parents are the whole world for their children. They always remain in a lot of difficulties but never want that their children face any difficulties. They always burn in heat but keep their children in cool and calm place. They always face the destruction of stromy rain but prevent their children from its ruin and curelity. They protect their children from the whol cruel world. Whenever they children cry they also cry with them, whenever their children gets pain they also feel pain, whenever their children lose hope then they motivate them because they are the one who never ever want to see their children down and hopeless.

So they are the persons whos love is the purest love in the whole world.

  • Parent’s status in Islam:

As we all know that “Islam” is the true meaning of life. It teaches us a lot of lessons in every field of life. So Islam has given a great status to parents. According to Islam: “Paradise is under the feet of Mother and the Father is the one door of Paradise”

So by studying Islam we all come to know that parents are the one way to “Jannah”. So we all must respect our parents.

  • What I learned from my parent?

I personally learned a lot of lessons from my parents life. And I then u people can also learn a lot of things from your parent’s lives. The huge lesson which we can learn from our parent’s lives is to give sacrifices without and any expectations of rewards. Secondly they teaches us how we should struggle for our beloved relatives. They struggle the whole life without any care for themselves. They care only their children. So we all should learn a lot of lessons from our parents struggle and pure love.

Si parents are also the strongest pillars to give support to their children.

  • The Time I Spend With My Parents:

I always spend a lot of time with my parents and we make a lots of fun with each other. I always try to keep them happy and my efforts are always to keep a huge smile on their faces. When we sit together we I really enjoy that part of time. If someone ask that which is the time that I like the most then I will reply the part of time which I spend with my parents. They are the real heros who guided me in the right path and always give me the right direction. I spend a part of time with my mother and teach her that how we can use laptop. She always forget the lesson which I give her but indeed it is always a funny moment when I ask her the previous things then she laugh and say Oho I forgot we all get laughed and say Ami yar ap HR time bhol jati Hain. So thats always a most enjoyable moment.So my mother is my whole world.

Now the moment I spend with my Father. It always a funny moment because my father never ever said that u people can do nothing he always motivates us. He always gives us a lot of advices which are very helpful in our whole lives. I call my father “Fakhri shb” and he is a drama character because he was the person just like my father. He was funny and he closely relates to my father because he doesn’t change his dress for a lot of time and my father is just like him I mean he always show lazziness in his personality grooming. But yes I must say that the time I spend with my parents is the most funniest and most happiest time. I really enjoy that part of time. So I will advise to all of u that u must spend a lot of time with your parents because I not only give u a lot of happiness but also it brings happiness and a great smile on your parent’s faces and I garentee that u people will feel peace and calm in your heat and also in your whole life.

So, it our responsibility to not only to respect our parents but also we must spend a lot of time with them.

  • Parent’s Strengths:

So am going to tell u people about the strengths of my parents.

1)- So first of all they always say that we are that we( their children) are their real strength.

2)- Secondly, I think the way in which they struggle I mean in any difficulty they always go to ALLA Pak and prays for their solutions. I really love the moment when they cry in front of Allah Pak and and ask Him to solve their problems and all their difficulties.

3)- Third one is their patience. I will not be wrong to say that they have a lot of patience, we faced a lot of difficulties and we are also facing now but they never ever say that why Allah Pak is keeping them in a lot of difficulties, so think their patience is their huge strength.

  • Parent’s weakness:

So now I will tell u people the weaknesses of my parents.

1)- First one is their silence. I think that this is the thing which always keep them in difficulty. When people say something to them which hearts them then they don’t say anything in return and I don’t know their this habit.I means it’s ok to remain silent but when people say soooo muchhh things then I think we should reply but in calm and respectful manner.

2)- Second one is that they sometimes get worry about other’s opinions.

3)- Third one is their overthinking about our future. I think they get soo much worry about our future which is very harmful for their health also. We always say them that they don not need to worry about anything but what can we do they are our parents and parents always get worry about their children’s future.

  • Conclusion:

So at the end I wana say that u people must give respect to our parents because they are the real persons who really really deserves respect and love. So we all give respect and we must spend a lot of time with them. It really will give u all a lot of happiness and calm. And I will advise to all of u in thest words

Regards: Khansa Kamil