How To Make Gel Balls Grow Fast

Do you want to grow your gel balls at a faster rate? Do you want to know “how to make gel balls grow fast?” If yes, let’s look at some strategies that could help you make your gel balls grow fast.

Khansa Mazhar Content Writer
7 min readJul 22, 2023

So here in this article, I will tell you “how to make gel balls grow fast?”

Let’s have a look

How do gel balls grow?

The gel balls are typically tiny, intricate beads when dry, but when exposed to water, they undergo a process called hydration.

During hydration, the polymer chains within the dots absorb water molecules and form bonds.

As a result, the beads swell and expand in size, transforming into soft and squishy gel-like balls. The absorbed water is trapped within the polymer structure, creating a water-filled gel matrix.

This is how these gel balls grow, but typically, we don’t want to wait for long until gel balls fully grow, so we need some strategies to help us make them grow faster.

Now let us discuss “how to make gel balls grow fast?”

I have some ways to accelerate the growth of gel balls. Let us talk about them one by one.

Use Warm Water:

Using warm water is an effective way to accelerate the growth of gel balls.

Warm water increases the molecular movement of the gel balls, promoting faster absorption.

When the temperature rises, the water molecules have more energy, allowing them to penetrate the gel balls more quickly.

This results in speedier hydration and expansion of the gel balls.

To use warm water:

1. Fill a container with water at a comfortable, warm temperature.

2. Ensure the water is not boiling, as extreme temperatures can damage the gel balls.

3. Submerge the gel balls in warm water and allow them to soak.

Stir Gently:

Stirring the gel balls gently while soaking in water helps promote faster absorption.

Mixing the gel balls ensures that all the balls come into contact with the water, allowing for even distribution of water absorption.

This prevents some gel balls from being left dry and promotes consistent growth.

To stir the gel balls, gently swirl them in the water with a spoon or your hand.

Avoid stirring vigorously, which may cause the gel balls to break or disintegrate. A gentle stirring motion encourages better water contact and faster growth.

Soak for an Extended Period:

While gel balls typically require several hours to reach their maximum size, extending the soaking time can help accelerate their growth.

By allowing the gel balls to soak for a longer duration, you provide more time for water absorption and hydration to occur.

Refer to the instructions provided by the manufacturer for the recommended soaking time.

However, you can experiment with longer soaking periods to expedite growth. Check the gel balls periodically to monitor their growth and prevent over-expansion.

Increase Water Quantity:

Ensuring an adequate water supply is essential for the optimal growth of gel balls. As the gel balls absorb water, they expand in size.

To promote faster growth, ensure enough water in the container to submerge the gel balls fully.

If you notice the water level decreasing during the soaking process, it is necessary to add more warm water.

Maintaining a sufficient water supply ensures continuous hydration and lets gel balls absorb water more rapidly.

Utilize Water-Absorbing Agents:

Water-absorbing agents or polymers designed for plant hydration can significantly enhance the water absorption capacity of gel balls, leading to faster growth.

These agents are usually in granular or powdered form and can be mixed with the water used for soaking the gel balls.

Water-absorbing agents work by increasing the water retention capability of the gel balls. They can absorb and retain water, releasing it slowly over time.

Adding water-absorbing agents to the soaking water provides an additional source of moisture, which accelerates the hydration process.

To use water-absorbing agents:

1. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding the recommended quantity.

2. Mix the agent with warm water before adding the gel balls to the container.

3. Stir gently to ensure proper distribution of the agent.

Create a Humid Environment:

Increasing the humidity around the gel balls creates a more favorable environment for their growth.

Higher humidity promotes faster water absorption and hydration. It helps to create a moisture-rich atmosphere, allowing the gel balls to absorb water more readily.

1. Cover the container with plastic wrap or place it in a sealed bag to create a humid environment. This traps the moisture and prevents evaporation, maintaining a higher humidity level around the gel balls.

2. Be sure to leave some space for air circulation to prevent mold growth.

3. Monitor the humidity levels periodically and adjust as needed.

Increase Agitation:

Agitating the gel balls during the soaking process can enhance their growth rate.

Gentle agitation ensures the gel balls are in constant motion, allowing for better water contact and faster absorption.

Agitation helps to break up any clumps or air pockets that may hinder water absorption and ensures that all the gel balls have equal access to water.

To gently agitate the gel balls, stir or swirl them in the water with a spoon or your hand.

Avoid mixing too vigorously, which may cause the gel balls to break apart or lose their integrity. A gentle and consistent agitation is sufficient to promote faster growth.

Add Salt Solution:

Preparing a salt solution and adding it to the soaking water can expedite the growth of gel balls. The presence of salt ions increases the osmotic pressure, facilitating faster water entry into the gel balls.

This enhances the absorption rate and accelerates their expansion.

To make a salt solution:

1. Dissolve table salt in warm water.

2. Start with a small amount of salt and gradually increase it if needed.

3. Stir the solution until the salt is completely dissolved.

4. Add a small amount of the salt solution to the container of warm water where the gel balls are soaking.

5. Monitor the growth and adjust the salt concentration as necessary.

Experiment with Surfactants:

Surfactants reduce the surface tension of water, allowing it to penetrate more easily.

Adding a small amount of a surfactant, such as liquid dish soap or a surfactant designed explicitly for polymer hydration, to the soaking water can enhance the absorption rate of gel balls.

To use surfactants, follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer regarding the recommended amount. Mix the surfactant well with warm water before adding the gel balls.

Optimize Environmental Conditions:

Creating optimal environmental conditions can contribute to faster gel ball growth. Temperature, light exposure, and air circulation can affect gel balls’ absorption rate and expansion. By optimizing these conditions, you can enhance the growth process.

1. Temperature: Maintain a consistent and warm temperature throughout the soaking process. Avoid extreme temperatures that can damage the gel balls.

2. Light Exposure: Keep the gel balls away from direct sunlight or excessive heat, which can cause them to dry out too quickly. Place the container in a shaded area or indoors to ensure a more controlled environment.

3. Air Circulation: Adequate air circulation is necessary to prevent the formation of mold or bacterial growth. Avoid sealing the container too tightly and allow for some airflow while maintaining the desired humidity level.

Frequently asked questions considering the ways of “how to make gel balls grow fast.”

Question №1

What are the important safety measurements regarding gel balls?


When using gel balls, wearing eye protection and gloves is important. In addition, it is recommended only to use gel balls in designated areas and to never shoot them at people or animals. Always follow the instructions on the packaging and dispose of used gel balls properly.

Question №2

Please provide information on the salt concentration in the salt solution.


It is important to note that excessive salt concentration may affect the texture and consistency of the gel balls. Start with a conservative amount of salt and experiment to find the optimal concentration for faster growth without compromising the integrity of the gel balls.

Question №3

What water is best for gel balls?


Demineralized water is best (available from Bunnings), clean tap water is fine, but you should avoid using rainwater. Bottled water is also a great option. Sometimes This could be a bucket, eski, or tub holding at least 3 liters of water.

Question №4

How long do gel balls last without water?


Store hydrated gel balls in an airtight container away from elements and direct sunlight, and they will last up to 2 weeks. Fully submerge the gel ball in water for storage for up to three months.

Question №5

How long does it take for gel balls to grow?


If you want your gel balls to function in their full size and efficiency, we suggest you soak them for at least 4 hours in clean water. For best results, soak your gel balls overnight. Once your gel balls are ready, use a strainer or sieve to clean the excess water before playing.


By implementing the methods discussed above for “how to make gel balls grow fast,” you can accelerate the growth of gel balls and maximize their water absorption capacity.

Warm water, gentle stirring, extended soaking periods, increased water quantity, water-absorbing agents, humidity control, agitation, salt solutions, surfactants, and optimizing environmental conditions can all contribute to faster growth.

Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions, practice caution when using additives or chemicals, and prioritize safety throughout the gel ball growth process. Enjoy the accelerated growth of gel balls and make the most of their various applications!



Khansa Mazhar Content Writer

As a content writer, I constantly find joy in expressing my ideas and giving them a fresh spin.