Khanyisani Nxumalo
3 min readFeb 27, 2020

A review of Boyka Undisputed movie

Khanyisani Nxumalo

Oppression can make you kill innocent people and find enemies but you must fight to show justice and prove your innocence. You may not change your past but you can justify your future.

A millennium film “Undisputed Boyka” dedicates the memory of an independent late film production star Danny Lerner who died in 2015 at the age of 62. After his death the movie was released in 2016 to honour him. Lerner produced more than 100 films during his filming industry life. The film portrays violence and killings in Russian prisons promoted by correctional service officials as part of gambling.

In the film the battle of prisoners takes many lives. Boyka was forced to kill Boris Tarsor who was Alma’s husband but the starring confesses to the lady. Alma got angry at Boyka after his confession but the man continued with sacrifices of proving his apology. Script writer became creative with the logic of showing Boyka struggling and feeling pain towards getting forgiveness. After Tarsor died officials of the prison fight gambling tournament took his wife into slavery.

Eury Boyka was not interested on joining as a fighter but he began the mission of helping Alma. The Russian movie portray men as aggressive but the starring emphasise care. He perfectly fights but he does not use the ring killing rule. Boyka is a very strong and a good fighter but her character portrays fighting as a bad thing. However, the character simultaneously show that you must fight harder for your freedom and also to free women.

Boyka had no intention of continuing to be a fighter but he considered fighting for Alma as his responsibility. Many threats were brought to his victory but he never stopped the hustle of doing justice to the lady. His high self esteem boosted his strength to conquer all challenges he faced. Undisputed Boyka film revealed that some people are arrogant, they never care about people’s lives but only prioritise money. Prison tournament officials bet for prisoners to fight but they never care about their death.

Boyka was the best fighter compared to all fighters on that tournament. He was unique because his fighting reasons were making sense. The movie paints the picture of how prisoners turn into monsters in jails. They try by all means to defeat him but he remains stronger and defensive. Boyka is against abuse of people for money and other personal intentions. Even though on some matches he got injured but he was able to remove all threats on his way.

The reason I liked the movie is because movies where the starring face difficulties often gains my interest. I liked the character of Boyka being ignorant on everything and doing whatever it takes to bring peace and freedom in his life. Alma wanted to hear nothing from Boyka after she discovered that he killed her husband. Boyka realised that he had to sacrifice his life to show how sorry he was. I like the character that portray a men’s care toward women and children because many films negatively represent men.

Patriarchal gender misrepresentations mostly portray men as perpetrators however the undisputed film show a character of a man against women abuse. When considering television production analysis, unique strategies of sending a message to a viewer steal the viewers interest. It gives him/her a broader chance to critically analyse the picture painted in the film. Boyka was portrayed as a hero which fought and defeated all those who perpetuated violence among people. If considering ratings, I could give the movie 8 out of 10 because of some minor visuals quality mistakes.

Humanity comes with integrity as Alma forgives Boyka after proving himself. She buried the hatchet and accepted Boyka’s apology. However, police were portrayed as unfair of arresting Boyka. He defeated and killed all those who promoted hatred and violence.

Khanyisani Nxumalo

Journalism Student at Durban University of Technology and Radio Presenter at