Unleashing the Power of CoLU: A New Frontier in Neural Network Activation Functions

Hasan Khan
3 min readJul 25, 2024


Photo by BoliviaInteligente on Unsplash

In the fast-evolving world of deep learning, activation functions are the unsung heroes that enable neural networks to model complex patterns and make sense of vast amounts of data. While ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) has been the go-to choice for many years, its limitations have led researchers to explore alternatives. Among these, a novel activation function known as CoLU (Collapsing Linear Unit) is making waves for its potential to outperform existing functions. Let’s delve into what makes CoLU special and how it could reshape the landscape of neural network performance.

The Role of Activation Functions in Neural Networks

Activation functions introduce non-linearity into neural networks, allowing them to learn and represent complex patterns. Without these functions, a neural network would simply be a linear model, unable to capture the intricacies of real-world data. Popular activation functions like ReLU, Swish, and Mish have their strengths but also notable weaknesses. For instance, ReLU is prone to the "dying neurons" problem, where neurons stop learning due to zero gradients. Similarly, Swish and Mish, while effective, can be computationally intensive.

Introducing CoLU
The Collapsing Linear Unit (CoLU) activation function is designed to address these limitations. Defined mathematically as

, CoLU boasts several advantageous properties:

  • Smooth and Differentiable: Unlike ReLU, CoLU is smooth and continuously differentiable, which facilitates better gradient flow during training.
  • Unbounded Above and Bounded Below: This characteristic helps in maintaining a balanced gradient, preventing the exploding gradient problem.
  • Non-monotonic and Non-saturating: CoLU avoids saturation, a common issue with many activation functions that can slow down training.

The Methodology Behind CoLU

Researchers tested CoLU on three well-known datasets: MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, and CIFAR-10. Using various neural network architectures such as small networks, VGG-13, and ResNet-9, CoLU’s performance was compared to ReLU, Swish, and Mish. The training process involved standard deep learning practices, including batch normalization, dropout, and stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimization.

Remarkable Results

CoLU demonstrated impressive performance across different datasets and network architectures:

  • MNIST: In deeper networks, CoLU consistently outperformed other activation functions. It maintained the highest accuracy as the number of layers increased, peaking at 30 layers. Even in smaller networks with 8 layers, CoLU achieved the highest mean accuracy.
  • Fashion-MNIST: With the VGG-13 architecture, CoLU outshined other activation functions, achieving a 4.20% higher accuracy than Mish and 3.31% higher than ReLU.
  • CIFAR-10: In the ResNet-9 architecture, CoLU delivered marginally higher accuracy compared to Swish, Mish, and ReLU, although with a slightly higher mean loss than Mish and Swish.

Conclusion: A New Era for Activation Functions

The Collapsing Linear Unit (CoLU) represents a significant step forward in the search for optimal activation functions. Its robust performance in deep neural networks points to exciting possibilities for future research and application. As the field of deep learning continues to grow, CoLU could play a crucial role in overcoming existing challenges and unlocking new levels of efficiency and accuracy.

For those intrigued by the technical details and eager to explore further, the original research paper provides an in-depth look at the methodology and results. As we stand on the brink of this new frontier in neural network performance, CoLU exemplifies the innovative spirit driving the field forward.



Hasan Khan

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