My first story

3 min readApr 26, 2020


Is it impossible to be valuable in this fast-changing world? Is it outlaw to be “real” in this vanity life? Is it impossible to become “the one” who is articulating original words from his/her original mouth? Honestly, no one never knows and god only knows. Wait, does even god exist? I do not know. God only knows(You mean, god’s creator??? All right, stop.)

Sometimes, maybe always for some men and women, our life and our world pose conundrums and looping imagination which are always troublesome, nerve-racking, yet made to seem to be invisiblized by their greatest tactics. One wants to escape from reality and even throw them bodies outta buildings. One slept on the thoughts for the rest of his life, seeking for isolation and ending up at his death like Friedrich Nietzsche. For myself, I do not even know why I am writing this Medium stories right now…

I, myself, frequently in deep thought(which I call “philosopher zone”) over any occasions such as dinner with friends or family and dating with somebody.(If some of you wonder what it’s like, please watch this video;

However, as I spend 21 years of my life(Wow, you still lil’ man), I found some absolute and life-long lessons through ups and downs. On this Medium platform, I would like to tell momentum stories I got from my personal life to the audience so that you can virtually live in someone’s life, and brew sympathy inside your soul inwardly as a result.

Before getting at it, I would like to elaborate myself. My name is Haruki Koseki. I am a human(Bro, why not), physically male, sexually male, emotionally masculine mostly(I’d say “masculine”= power-tilted mind/ “female”= empathy-tilted mind), a 21 years old uni student in Japan, and live with my grandparents, parents, and one younger sister in a local town. I have never been to foreign countries until last year when I studied English for a month in LA(Hopefully I want to tell someday!), and I’ve learned English through technologies like Youtube and Vine since 12 years old aside taking school classes.(Vine shaped what I am today… Shout out to Vine!) I consider myself a deep thinker and have a solid faith in each one’s inherent consciousness. Besides, my thoughts are with Yin-Yang and “That nothing is absolute is absolute.” Contemplating so much that I keep myself shut without thinking. My minds are into philosophy, art, and surrealistic products. Recently, in light of music, I love Childish Gambino (I’ll explain someday.) And my…Okay, that’s enough. The above is a rough induction to my later stories, and hopefully I would like to tell more about myself later.

My image in Shibuya

Lastly, I do not think this story gets any views or subscribers whatsoever. But that’s okay. Because this is my first time publication and I am trying hard to get my English and writing skills better so I can express my emotions fully and well. I am looking forward to the day when I could elaborate and explain things to the audience through building myself up from the scratch. So, until the day, I’m gonna grind my brain, and catch up later guys!




Vivid descriptions, and detailed observations of mind. Written by a Human, Man, Male, Undergraduate in Japan, Political science major student, Intern