Docker, is it worth for development phase?

Khemanorak Khath
2 min readOct 24, 2016


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not Docker denier, but the title question is sincerely asking for help.

So, our company has start adopting Docker to our existed project. Most of our project are using Python with Django for the backend side and Angular for front-end side (some page that really complex), and sometime I think that Docker make it really hard for development, because of it all in one container. First of all, one of my favourite tool in PyCharm is the debugging tool, I couldn’t use it anymore. Then, the pdb tools from Python, print(“”) and logger, not working either. Simply, I have no idea how to config it with docker, comment below if you know how. Third, docker used too much memory. I have my MacBook Pro with 8GB of RAM, and each time I run docker, it used almost all of the memory, with another browser and PyCharm opening I could really notice my computer is slowing down. Yeah, probably it’s running the server that I don’t need. Fifth, the log messages. It all there, logs from Django, Angular, Redis, Celery, etc. Yeah, it hard to track log messages.

Since start using Docker I fell that my productivity decreased around 20%. The same problem that I could fix in one hours took me nearly three hours to fix with Docker.

Again, don’t get me wrong. I love the idea that you could have one container and deploy it to everywhere with the same environment, so that you don’t have to complain about bug that happened in the production, but you couldn’t reproduce it in your local.

Big name companies are moving to Docker, if it not that good they wouldn’t do it. My mind is still opening for Docker, but probably it just a mater of time to get used to it.

I will try to do some research about the problem I’m currently having with Docker, and continue to post the solutions on my next stories.

Thank you for reading my first story.



Khemanorak Khath

Python, Django, Swift, iOS Dev, DevOps, Angular, Team Leader, Coder, Software Consultant.