Why 'Marriage' is important in Our 'Life'

9 min readJan 17, 2023


Importance of Marriage~ Is Getting married necessary?

There are so many Individuals nowadays choose live-in Relationships. You may ask why marriage is important in our life, Why is it necessary to get married? If you are married, you might have discovered why marriage is so necessary and experienced some of the good that comes from it. Or maybe some of you found marriage difficult and have since divorced. Many individuals say that the rings, swear, conventionalize, state interference, and restrictive guidelines turn marriage into a commercial instrument alternatively than an intimate tie.

Why we get married? We do so because we are in search of life-long companionship, through which we can fill our life with love and happiness.

Marriage is a divine institution implemented by humans, it is primarily run by two people who come together to build that institution. It is an institution of patience, sacrifice, caring for each other, and sharing.

Marriage is about two people who love each other and want to spend their lives together. It’s about building a Family, sharing your dreams and raising children together. Also, Marriage protects children.

Marriage is also about being healthy and happy.

Marriage is where love is married to commitment, where your partner becomes your best friend and partner, where you can rely on each other and build a life that lasts.

It’s not Marriage that makes you happy. It’s what you do to foster happiness as an individual and a spouse that makes a difference, not marriage all by itself.

Marriage has been shown to have a number of benefits for both mental and physical health. Marriage has long been considered a key ingredient to happiness and a healthy lifestyle. In this post, I’ll explore some of the reasons Why 'Marriage' is important in Our 'Life' and how marriage makes us happier and healthier. You will also look at some of the ways in which you can strengthen your own relationship and achieve a happy and healthy marriage.

We all want to be happy in our relationship, but what does that actually mean? And how do we achieve it? For many people, happiness comes from having a strong and healthy relationship with their partner. In recent years, the institution of marriage has come under scrutiny, with some people questioning whether it is truly necessary for happiness and health.

The Evidence is clear: marriage does indeed make us happier and healthier. Married people are more likely to live longer, have lower rates of heart disease and cancer, and report higher levels of overall satisfaction with their lives. It turns out that marriage is one of the single most important things you can do for your health.

Marriage can increase our happiness and make us healthier in many ways:

  • Marriage naturally improves our health and happiness by reducing stress, improving self-esteem, and lowering rates of heart disease, cancer, stress-related illness, stroke and diabetes.
  • According to a new study, marriage may be one of the best ways to enjoy both emotional and physical health. Married people are also the most likely to report a highly satisfying sex life.
  • In an attempt to determine the correlation between health, well-being, and marriage, social scientists Kerry Patterson and Joe Brucalioto conducted a study in which they followed 145 married couples for three months. This technique is called survey research. The scientists found that the couples who were married were happier. They were also happier.
  • According to researchers Kerry Patterson and Joe Brucalioto, marriage plays an important part in health and well-being because it provides security and stability. Although the researchers also found that the sample was relatively small and the results were not statistically significant, the couples who were married were nonetheless strong enough to help shape a new theory of love.

As the Health Benefits of Marriage become clearer, more people are choosing to get Married.

How can you Strengthen your Relationship and achieve a Happy Marriage:

Happy Marriage are a part of everyone’s wish list. I believe God has created marriage is driven by love. God established marriage as a bond between a man and a woman. God is the author of marriage, he designed it. Marriage is much more than just two people committing to one other out of love. Much more than just two people falling in love and getting married. However, in order to live a happy married life, it is essential to accept your spouse the way they are.

  1. Use Word for Appreciation: Appreciate each other, you should express your love to your partner in order to have a happy marriage life. Thank your partner when they prepare meals, assist the kids with their homework, or go grocery shopping. What is the problem in doing so ? Just tell each other you do not like being away from each other. You should keep most of your love to each other, do share and show gratitude.
  2. Respect: Every person likes respect. A good spouse is who shows respect and value for their partner. It is important that the spouse should be respectful. Respect breeds love. Makes relationships stronger. And even by giving respect, a spouse can get his point across to the other spouse.
  3. Not as Husband and Wife but as Lifelong Companions: Marriage is about having a good companion. A true companion does not create discord. Just as you would not let anything come between you and your friend, in the same manner you should the same when dealing with your spouse. The friendship between a husband and wife is the highest friendship of all. The close companionship of a husband and wife in marriage helps them to be better equipped to face and endure whatever crises life may bring. All you need in life is a companion who loves, supports, and is around for you.
  4. Communicate Clearly, Honestly and Frequently: It helps Strengthen Respect. Several research have proven that effective communication is the foundation of a sturdy marriage. Communication in a marriage performs a lots extra crucial function than we can fathom. It is vital to open channels to have clear and significant verbal exchange with your partner so that there is believe and understanding, which means a higher relationship with your spouse. Keep the lines of communication open by talking frequently, and not just about matters like payments and the kids. Share your ideas and feelings.
  5. Harmony in Marriage Life: What is harmony in a relationship? We usually use the word to describe a relationship in which the people seem happy, and the interactions are easy and relatively conflict-free. If people are living in harmony with each other, they are living together peacefully rather than fighting or arguing. In music, harmony is when different musical notes come together to form a pleasing whole, agreeable to the ear. It works the same way in a harmonious relationship where you and your partner bring together all your different parts to create a lovely current of uplifting and nurturing emotions. Harmonious marriages are a byproduct of persistence and dedication rather than luck. Encourage your own inner harmony and see what it draws into your life.
  6. Tell your Spouse how Grateful are to have them in your Life: Your partner is your pillar of strength. Show to each other an appreciation for all the efforts and love he puts into the relationship. It’s crucial that you take some alone time with your spouse to tell that why you’re thankful to him or her. Your wife should realize that she will never get a husband like you and you will never find a wife like her. when this happens, your life together is examined deserving and your married life will be happy.
  7. Build Loyalty in Relationship: A hidden secret can destroy a relationship. Even if you don’t think it’s such a big problem. The relationship will always be haunted by your mystery. Loyalty in a relationship means being fully committed to a person without cheating. Loyalty involves accepting and loving someone for who they are, and not threatening to leave when things get challenging. Loyalty involves accepting and loving someone for who they are, and not threatening to leave when things get challenging.
  8. Be Available for each other: Be there for the other person when he or she needs it instead of demanding. In a marriage, you should considered the other person as your own part. It’s two bodies, one mind, one soul. Take care of each other when your partner is busy, in pain, or in grief. You should start saying; I am here for you, rather than, what can you do for me? Support of your partner’s need provide will make them feel more secure, and the relationship will be stronger as a result.
  9. Unity of thought: Unity of thought with your spouse can strengthen your marriage. You won’t agree on everything, but it is important to be fair and respectful during disagreements. Listen to your spouse’s point of view. Try not to get angry and don’t let yourself become too frustrated. An important principle of unity of thought in marriage is that husbands and wives should value each other, and the key to avoid separation (difference of thought) keys is, "We both are all one and there is no difference in us."
  10. Take Some Personal Time for the Two of You as a Couple: Everyone needs time to recharge, think, and enjoy personal interests. It can be easy to lose sight of the romance aspect from work and family responsibilities. Do something fun together on a regular basis. Plan special dates, either to going somewhere together or doing something fun together, If you have kids send them on a play with friends while at home you just stay, you relax, talk, and enjoy each other’s company, it strengthens the bond. Specially if you’re trying to do something your partner really likes.
  11. Forgiveness: Everyone makes mistakes that can cause hurtful feelings. Forgiveness is a strength in married life because it shows you are capable of goodwill toward your partner. Unforgiveness is like a wall you are building one brick at a time and over time the wall becomes too thick and too high in the sense that the intimacy in your relationship is lost. Your spouse may hurt your feelings or do something that bothers you, and that can make you angry, even furious. But it’s important to deal with your feelings, let them go, and move on. Experts suggest that forgiveness is essential to happy and long-lasting marriages. Forgiveness in marriage has been linked to relationship quality, characteristics, and empathy. Forgiveness is a form of love, and we cannot move forward in marriage without it.


I know there is a lot of relationship advice out there, and there are many more things I could write about relationship work, but the essential point is just to keep an attitude of loving service toward each other.

Remember to remain committed to your spouse. Obviously "The details don’t matter, just the love, that’s what matters."

Lastly, your spouse, and your relationship may grow and change with time, but these ideas can help your marriage stay successful over the years.

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Hi there, I'm Shahnaaz Khatun, a passionate writer who creates captivating and informative blogs, covering a wide array of topics with a love for storytelling.