How to manage time efficiently?

khawaja ali
3 min readAug 21, 2020


Overcoming procrastination by using the Pomodoro technique

Roman philosopher Seneca once said:

“If we think of time as money we’re actually valuing our time very cheaply. We value our time very cheaply because we think we have a lot of it because we think we’re gonna live forever but we’re not gonna live forever we’re gonna die.”

When we have time we complain. When we don’t have time we come to our senses. When we have time we overthink when we don’t have time we get overwhelmed. When we’re young we think we have time when we’re old we realize we don’t . When we’re young we think time is cheap. When we’re old we realize time is priceless. Never turn your back on time because you can never get your time back and it is never too late to start valuing time. Time wasters include complaining, comparing and criticizing. Time makers include good people, good conversations and good ideas. Don’t wait till something goes wrong to use your time wisely.

My Story

I have been a big procrastinator whole my life delaying stuff till the last minute was like an hobby to me but recently I did realized after reading a book what I have been lacking all my life and how important time is. I have been trying multiple techniques for time management since then some have been effective but today I’ll be talking about a technique which I recently discovered the Pomodoro Technique and how it had affected me.

How those Pomodoro Technique work?

Step 1: Choose a task you’d like to get done.

Step 2: Set the timer for 25 minutes.

Step 3: Work on the task until the timer rings.

Step 4: Write distractions down between the session.

Step 5: Take a 3–5 mins breaks.

Step 6: After 4 sessions/pomodoros take a 15–20 min break.

My Experiment and what I achieved?

I usually wake up early in the morning between 4 am to 6 am and do the things which are the most important in my day so I choose to code one of my projects. I made a list of tasks. Then I applied the Pomodoro Technique on it.

4 consecutive sessions were way too effective and I was able to do a lot of work . There were some disturbance during the experiment which consisted of switching and watching a 5 min video on YouTube twice but it went off after the 2nd session. I haven’t been this much productive since my final year projects deadline.

It was a quick check for me that I have went way to far in procrastinating but can fulfill task in time and spend my free time on something which I love.

So I will be continuing to follow this technique especially for my coding sessions at it has helped me a lot to finish my work on time and then I can even have time to play some games 😀.

To improve the experience I will be turning off my mobile phone so I can work on the given task more effectively as it distracted me multiple times and broke the rhythm of the coding session and My mind couldn’t focus again for some while. I will be adopting this technique during reading books and other stuff as it will increase my attention time span on tasks which are important to me and I can even get free time for my cooking hobby which will be a positive change in my daily routine.


I hope you learned something too and will be applying the Pomodoro Technique in your task too. It will surely effect your productivity and will improve your time management skills.

Till Next Time.

Signing Off, Adios

