Putin Begs for MAGA Help

Martin Berman-Gorvine
3 min readMar 26, 2022

Is anyone even faintly surprised that Putin, having stepped on a big old Ukrainian landmine, is appealing for help to the Farce-Fascist International, the shadow global organization he aspires to lead just as his predecessor Stalin once led the Communist International, or Comintern? Yes, Comrade Obersturmclowns, the “Fafintern” needs your help to keep the “woke mob” from “canceling” Mother Russia like they cancelled J.K. Rowling! (Whatever you think of the Harry Potter author’s opinions on trans women, she’s no Farce-Fascist and she doesn’t appreciate being dragged into this.)

Are the MAGAs and their European far-right comrades dumb enough to fall for this nonsense? Who knows? We’re talking about the same folks who reject lifesaving masks and vaccines in favor of horse pills and bleach against COVID, merely because their Very Stable Genius leader once babbled something or other about the latter. I guess it all depends on whether the chumps think that siding with Putin is a good way of “owning the libs.” At the moment, it doesn’t exactly look that way, not with the likes of Lindsey “The Carolina Weasel” Graham breathing farce-fire all over Biden for supposedly being soft on Putin. (Again, “gentlemen,” what would you have the president do? Lob one into the men’s room of the Kremlin, as Saint Barry Goldwater once notoriously suggested?) But that Putin would make such a naked bid for MAGA sympathy, and…



Martin Berman-Gorvine

Martin Berman-Gorvine is a published science fiction and horror author. His collected blog essays (Nov. 2015-July 2022) are available at https://amzn.to/3PgmABY