The Most Successful Propaganda Ever

Martin Berman-Gorvine
4 min readMar 8, 2024
While Biden makes history, the Clown Squad beclowns itself. No, their signs didn’t literally say these things.

There is more than one way of gaining widespread acceptance for lying propaganda. Everyone has become superficially familiar with the concept of the Big Lie that is rammed into people’s heads over and over again, through every type of media available, until vast numbers come to believe it. That’s the usual Trump-MAGA technique, which has succeeded in getting tens of millions of Americans to believe that:

· A shadowy governmental conspiracy known as the “Deep State,” a terminology stolen from Turkish strongman Erdogan, “rigs” America’s electoral system, causing Trump to lose the popular vote in 2016 and both the popular and electoral votes in 2020.

· Unauthorized immigration over the border between the U.S. and Mexico is the greatest threat to American national security, with Latino immigrants responsible for violent crime, “poisoning the blood of our country,” and trying to “replace” the White American majority at the behest of the Deep State and George Soros.

· Gay and trans people pose an enormous threat of sexual assault against children, and Deep State types are also out to rape children.

Et cetera. The majority of the American people has been against Trump all along, and prides itself on not falling for his con artistry like all those stupid MAGA people. But basic logic would tell us that in a society…



Martin Berman-Gorvine

Martin Berman-Gorvine is a published science fiction and horror author. His collected blog essays (Nov. 2015-July 2022) are available at