testnet + retrodrop

Никита Пирожков
1 min readJul 20, 2023


testnet + retro drop from Venom, this is one of the free testnet although one bridge task is paid
you need to go in every day to rewards for dale tasks and generally be active, for example:
2–3 times a day in the morning in the afternoon in the evening
step by step swap coins in the swapapp and buy items in the co-op projects, exchanging them for venom test tokens
project it is in englign language, if you need a tour of the testnet go link to the doc in description or find it on the Internet
testnet it is a help to test the project’s network, retrodrop it is a reward for activity
difficult entry level from the beginning in the testnet: collection of testtoken from a faucet to the test, of course free time
although many different browsers, email accounts, wallets, lots of passwords, security phrases
But the + it is the web3 evolution

