How to Grow Your YouTube Channel Fast Using Tube Magic

And doing it effortlessly..

Khemit Eric
44 min readJun 15, 2024
growing on YouTube made easy

Hi, I’m Khemit and thank you for stopping by.

Now I can sense that what made you click on this post, is because at some point you’re looking for some ways and strategies to grow your YouTube channel.

In this guide, I am going to actually go step-by-step into the magic of Tube Magic, a powerful tool that can help you gain more views and subscribers in no time.

Today you’re going to learn how to start and grow a successful YouTube channel.

  • How to get more views and subscribers in your channel,
  • How to create effective YouTube Shorts very quickly and effortlessly,
  • You’re going to discover the top 5 tools for YouTube that will take your channel to the next level,
  • Explore the actual ways to get monetized and make money even before joining the ads monetization program.

And the bottom line is, you won't have to show your face on camera or record any video if you don't want to.

At the end of this guide, you will be fully equipped with valuable insights and ready to bypass 97% of all your competitors in your niche.

But all I ask in return is for you to just stick it through all the way until the end of this guide because that’s the only way you can get the most out of this guide.

And I’m also asking you to apply what you learn.

Key Takeaways

  1. Tube Magic: What is it?
  2. How to Grow YouTube Channel Fast by Using Tube Magic
  3. How to Get More Views and More Subscribers on YouTube by Using Tube Magic
  4. How to Create YouTube Shorts Videos FAST with Tube Magic
  5. The 5 Best AI Tools for YouTube Automation
  6. How to Get Monetized on YouTube Even Before Ads Monetization Program — Simple Hack
  7. Tube Mastery and Monetization
  8. Conclusion

Disclaimer: This post may contain some affiliate links with no additional cost to you.

1.Tube Magic: What is it?

Watch a 5min Demo video about Tube Magic instead?👇

>>Get Instant Access To Tube Magic Here<<

Tube Magic is an AI tool designed to help YouTube creators optimize and grow their YouTube channels.

Main Features

Tube magic comes with a lot of great features to help you with running a successful YouTube channel, and you can take a look at all of them down below.

  • Video Ideas & Topics
  • Title Ideas
  • Video Research Tool
  • Keyword Research
  • Script Writing
  • Script Templates
  • YouTube Shorts Script Writer
  • Warp Upload Optimizer
  • Title Generator
  • Description Generator
  • Tags Generator
  • Community Tab Generator

These 12 features are going to absolutely 10x the growth of your YouTube channel.

2. How to Grow Your YouTube Channel Fast by Using Tube Magic

Welcome to the tube magic step-by-step guide on how to grow on YouTube, this include both people who want to start out from scratch as well as those who want to scale and take their channels into the next level.

In this comprehensive guide,

I’m going to be walking you through step-by-step on how to use Tube Magic and also a complete walkthrough of all of the current and upcoming features, which are Super exciting.

We’re going to be putting our heads on, I mean doing it.

So without wasting any more time, let’s get straight into the step number one which is the most important step for me and you to be able to follow along with this guide.

So let’s Goo! Are you READY? Think so…

First and foremost, you have to go to Tube Magic and you will need to sign up for a new account or login if you already have one, then

This is our main tools page and that’s exactly how it’s going to look like in your main dashboard once you’ve logged in.

tube magic’s main tools page

And for getting around tube magic, you can simply just click on any of these buttons over here,

tube magic buttons

And now we’ve structured it so as you can see, at the very top we have the ideation phase,

tube magic ideation phase

This is actually where you’re going to come up with video ideas for your channel.

Under that, next we have scripting, and this is the logical process that you will go through for every single video that you create,

Then ultimately, under that we have the uploading and optimizing section right here,

tube magic, optimizing and uploading section

So now let’s start off with the ideation phase, and one of our main features will be the video ideas feature right here,

And if we click on this,

video ideas feature, tube magic

We can just put in a channel handle there, this can literally just be any channel you want, for instance I can put in Matt Par’s channel right here,

channel handle, tube magic

Then simply click on the generate button, and as you can see, tube magic will come up with limitless video ideas for my channel,

video ideas tool, tube magic

Then you can put in other popular channels that are related to yours as well or you can even just put in any channel within your Niche, and basically generate unlimited video ideas based off of that.

If you want, you can keep generating these ideas just like that,

generating video ideas

And you can generate unlimited ideas as you want, which is pretty cool in my opinion.

And as you can see, there’s also a generate script button right here,

generating script, tube magic

Which is coming very soon, so we will be able to generate a script directly from this page.

But as for now, we do have the script writing feature and we can use it,

script writing feature, tube magic

We’ll be going over with this one in just a minute, but first I just wanted to show you where all these videos are stored because you know, you may want to come back to them someday.

So in order to get to that, you go to the left hand side and you go down to logs,

logs, tube magic feature

This will exactly log your history on tube magic, so you can always go back to any different outputs that you’ve done,

logs history, tube magic features

That’ll be all stored within your logs, then if we go back to our AI tools, and go down here to community tab posts,

community post, tube magic

We can also put in a YouTube channel handle, for instance, here we can use Matt Par’s YouTube channel,

typing matt par’s YouTube channel on community post handle, tube magic

Then we can generate Community tab post.

But we can even format it as a poll as well by just clicking this little button right here,

And if we click that, it will generate us a community tab post automatically

generated community post . tube magic

Which is very cool because it’s actually one more way to get engagement on our channels, and as you can see, it wrote us a community tab post right there.

Now let’s jump over to our next AI tool.

We’re going to be looking at which in my opinion is the coolest one here on tube magic, and this is the one that I am personally using the most for writing scripts for my different YouTube channels, and that is the video script section here,

video script section, tube magic AI tools

So if you click on this,

general script, Ai tools writer

As you can see, it pulls up the script writer.

And now, this is pretty cool so basically, what you can do, you can give it a simple prompt like for example, a video title and you can literally just write any context that you’d like to include,

Then basically you can choose from a variety of different templates, here we have general scripts, and we also have shorts,


So these are actually going to be for YouTube shorts that are under 60 seconds long, and it will generate you a script just for that length,

Then we have how to scripts,

Now this is going to format everything in a step-by-step manner.

And this is the script outline function,

script outliner . tube magic

So let me walk you through all these, and let’s start with the general scripts and let’s say for example, we want to make a video about the top 10 tallest buildings,

And now, what’s pretty cool also is the fact that, we have this slider for the number of words right here that we want the script to be in, and if you hover over this little eye,

It’s basically going to inform you that an 800 words script is about 5 minutes, 1500 words is about 10 minutes and then finally a 2,000 words script is about 15 minutes, just like that,

And those are just general benchmarks, depending on how fast you talk or your voiceover artist talks it. Maybe a little bit more or less but you know that’s just the general amount right there,

So if we want to for example, create a 10-minute video, we can take this slider and put it up to , let’s say 1,500 words and just click on generate, and now tube magic is going to literally just write an entire script for us by using that general Script template,

And boom, just like that, it probably took us maybe 10 seconds, and here we have an entire script written, and as you can see, it’s formatted as an intro already.

Also, it was in 1500 words which is really cool, and if you click on the save button right here,

We’re now going to have the saving scripts which is coming very soon as well,

And that’s going to then go into your document tab, so if you go back over to the AI tools, and you go over to scripting, there’s a document tab which you’ll be able to store all of your scripts in,

So now let’s just walk through a couple of other script templates, and let’s go back over to scripting,

And let’s do our final script template which is my favorite one, and that’s the script outlining,

This is the one I use more than anything so for example, if we’re doing let’s just say top 10 tallest buildings right here,

And let’s put it around 1000 words,

An arrow pointing on a slide bar

But keep in mind, for this you’re going to want to put the word count a little bit lower, that’s simply because it’s going to be outlining it in bullet points, so if you wanted just like the Bare Bones bullet points, I would recommend just dragging this down to like let’s say 300 words,

an arrow pointing on the number of words on a side bar

And it’ll just give you the outline of your script at a very high level.

But for this example, I’m going to put it up to like 900 words and just click on generate,

Then it will give us some sub bullet points,

And this is really brilliant because it gives you a high level overview of the outline of your script, and that also allows me to Simply look at this,

And then write my script based off of it, and I also have those bullet points to reference back as you can see, it did exactly what we wanted, it put it in bullet points starting with the hook and it formats your video,

According to my best practices of having a hook, the content, and then the outro, so now we have the hook, then we have it briefly mentioning the topic and the purpose of the video, and then we have the body, where we actually go over the buildings themselves,

Then we just have three bullet points under each so that’s what 900 words will give you.

But if you drag this down a little bit more for example 300 words, let’s regenerate, so let’s just give this a second, it should generate really quickly,

Now boom, there it is, as you can see, it’s seen even less words right there.

So now, let’s head over to our next tool, if we go to the optimize tab, which is going to be the warp upload tool,

This is one of the Flagship features here in tube magic, it allows us to generate video titles, descriptions, and tags based off of putting in an unlisted video link,

Let me show you an example real quick, so if we go to warp upload, here you can choose from either doing a video URL or writing video context

So if you explain to tube magic, what your video is all about, it’ll base it off the context you gave it or if you use a video URL, then you can just paste in any video URL, and it’ll simply just recommend you to do an unlisted video prior to publishing, and what tube magic is going to do is that, it’s going to transcribe your entire video.

It’s going to directly tap into the YouTube API in order to grab the best data for optimizing your video, then it’s going to give you your title ideas, description and tags for your video automatically.

So now let’s do an example of this, I’m going to grab the link to random videos right here, again I will use Matt's videos,

And now this is a public video, therefore, like I said earlier, this only works on unlisted videos so you just upload it as unlisted prior to publishing it,

Then use this tool, so if we go back over to warp upload paste in the link and click on generate, now it’s doing all the things I was talking about in a matter of seconds, for giving your video the best optimization possible,

Now boom, just like that we have our warp optimizations right there,

It also allows you to upload a preview of the thumbnail, in order to see what it will look like with different titles,

Then now we have the titles themselves under the thumbnail,

So you can see it and this is directly indexing the video in order to find some of these ideas.

And also we’ve got our three different title ideas under that.

Then we also have the video description, and we can simply just copy it by clicking on copy right there,

Or just simply highlight and copy paste it into your description.

Then finally we have our video tags which again can be copied by just clicking that,

And these are optimized tags that are directly indexing other popular videos within your Niche and writing it based off of that,

This is a really exciting tool in my opinion, just for the fact that you can just generate all of this instantly only with the warp upload function.

It’s pretty cool, and what’s really amazing about this tool, is that if we go back over to the AI tools and then we go over to the my vide section here,

It will actually save all of the videos that you’ve made.

And you can just go back and see what you’ve done for your warp upload optimizing right there.

Pretty awesome in my opinion, so now let’s go back over to the AI tools,

And right now it’s going over to the video titles,

Same thing here,

We can put in a video URL or just describe what the video is all about,

If you have a general idea what your video is about, you can do that or put in the video URL and then it will create the whole transcript of the video, then from that it will take out the most popular keywords from that video, and write an optimized title for it or you can also just write the context,

And boom, as you can see, it gives us a couple titles.

Now go back over to the AI tools, we also have video descriptions here,

And you can do that same exact thing pretty self-explanatory,

That’s also included in the warp upload feature, I like to just use that personally because it gives you all three of those things.

Same thing with tags right here,

You can just insert the URL and it’ll give you just the tags if you only wanted the tags.

So now let’s go ahead into the next section which is how to actually get more views and subscribers in your videos.

3. How to Get More Views and More Subscribers on YouTube by Using Tube Magic

This AI tool is going to revolutionize the way that you do your YouTube videos from now on, that’s because if used right, it can potentially supercharge your channel much farther than it is now.

This is one of the most top tier AI softwares on the whole internet that you can take advantage of right now and use it to skyrocket the amount of views and subscribers on your own YouTube channel.

Now, in this step-by-step guide, I’m going to show you exactly, how to potentially 10x the chances of you getting more views and subscribers on YouTube by just using a super helpful AI tools that anyone could use.

So for our first easy but yet powerful step, we need to get more views and subscribers on YouTube, and that’s something every creator think of before and after uploading a video on YouTube.

So now, let’s get started on how to do it step-by-step, but first and foremost, in order for you to be able to follow through, you will have to click on Tube Magic and go sign up or sign in to your account which is easy and straightforward.

So now that you have logged in to your tube magic account, we’re going to go to the tools page and we’re going to go down to video research tool,

Now you’re going to have to put in your Niche and for my example, I’m going to do scuba diving, so scuba diving right here,

I’m going to enter and then it’s going to show the top videos within your Niche,

tube magic, video research tool

And as you can see, this one right here, has 1.9 million subscribers for this single channel and 1.73 million views,

So this is a perfect channel for me to model, so I’m just going to open it up just like this,

Then, on this channel, I don’t need to do anything but just copy his name right here,

So now you’re going to go down to video ideas right here,

video ideas, tube magic tools

And then you’re just going to throw in the name, then click on enter or generate,

So what tube magic is actually doing is, it’s looking at the channel and it’s taking its best video ideas and generating me completely unique ones.

And I can just keep on clicking generate as much as I want, and I can make like 10 to 15 video ideas for my next upcoming videos within a couple of minutes like this one for instance,

Now you have video ideas completely like the channel you’ve just modeled, and if you keep posting quality videos just like theirs, then in theory, your channel should also blow up just like theirs.

Therefore, it really depends on a lot of other different factors, which I’ll be explaining later on, but now you are taking already winning video ideas within your Niche, and using tube magic to create unique ones that you can use and make videos of now.

If you don’t know anything about YouTube analytics, there’s something called audience retention,

It indicates the average viewer’s attention span throughout your video as people watch.

So it simply just shows the parts people are most interested in, and the parts they’re clicking off, so the longer your audience retention is, the better for your video, and it’ll get pushed out to more and more audience.

In YouTube analytics, what really makes your video potentially go viral is the audience retention and the watch time.

Watch time is the metric of how much time people actually watch your video, so let’s say for example you have a video with about 85% audience retention, meaning that people watch 85% of it, that’s awesome but what if it’s 60 seconds long, that means you are actually not getting that much good watch time on your video.

Therefore, if people on average were watching 45% of your video, and your video was 20 minutes long, that’s significantly more watch time, and it will obviously impact the success of your video, and you have higher chance of going viral.

Now, the last part is (CTR), that stands for Click through rate, and that’s simply the percentage of people that press on your video and your thumbnail from the homepage, search page, or wherever.

They see your video, so the higher the percentage of your click through rate, the better, you’re going to want to practice making good clickable thumbnails with bright colors or whatever else is working within your Niche, and make those your own thumbnails.

Overall, within this process, tube magic is able to automate the first 2 entirely with AI, leaving you with the energy to only focus on your thumbnails. So how you’re going to do this is now on the tube Magic’s tools page, you’re going to scroll down to the video scripts right here,

And you’re going to put in the title of your video, so I’m going to just put that in and then add some context to it, so I can do general script, a YouTube short, a script outline, a how-to, a list video, I’m just going to select general script for now.

Then I can just select the size of it so I’m going to raise this up to about let’s say 1,800 words, and if I press on this information icon, it’s going to show me how long this will actually be, so this will be over 10 minutes. I’ll make it a little bit shorter than that and now I’m going to click on to generate,

And as you can see, now it’s showing you how much words it is as it’s writing it, so now it’s completely creating me an entire script.

Another cool thing is that, tube magic is now using winning YouTube videos with 10, 20, 50,…100 million views, and using their script as a model to fully write your script, knowing that winning YouTube videos with an engaging script, that’s what keeps People watching your videos, and also, good hooks are being used to create new video scripts.

So now I have a thoroughly made script within seconds that I can use, and if you’re saying okay, tube magic does have the templates that I need to write my scripts, well this is as little as it’s going to be, tube magic is still working on adding so much more script templates for all sorts of videos.

So right now, this is as little as it’s ever going to be, and you can also make your scripts very long so that way you can have a really good watch time on top of the audience retention.

Now I’m going to tell you, in my opinion, those are the most top tier AI tools that tube magic has that can potentially 10x the chances of your video going viral in any Niche, and doing it so effortlessly.

YouTube (SEO) or search engine optimization has always been complicated, like how to tag your videos, how to optimize them and what keywords to put in the description.

Therefore, now when you upload a video on YouTube, instead of uploading it straight to public, first you’re going to want to upload it as unlisted like that,

Now, we’re going to copy the link,

And going back to tube magic, we’re going to go into the warp upload Optimizer, now we’re going to insert the link of our video, or we could also just write the context if there’s no talking in the video, both of them work supremely good, then now you are going to click on generate,

And tube magic is going to fully write you a title, description, and tags based off winning videos with 10, 20, 50,…100 million views, to put into your optimization using the same model.

That would take you 20 to 30 minutes to find good keywords, what to put in your title, what tags to use, what to research, but all that is now done in seconds with tube magic warp upload Optimizer. Now you can see how tube magic is so helpful when it comes to optimizing your videos.

And not only that, it’s actually using winning videos to give you winning videos with your optimization in a limited time.

Tube Mastery & Monetization Program was released earlier and you’re actually able to learn about all the tools of tube magic, so you can use them in depth and unlock the full potential of you going viral on each video you upload on YouTube. So make sure to check that out.

4. How to Create YouTube Shorts Videos FAST with Tube Magic

Now I’m going to show you exactly step-by-step, how to make short form content just like this one right here,

And not only we will be making shorts just like that, but we’ll also be cheating by using AI softwares to make it much easier and faster for us.

But in order to be able to follow along, you will need to sign up/sign in to Tube Magic, so just go ahead and do that right now.

Got that done? Alright, now your dashboard must be looking something like this,

So now let’s get started!

On the Tube Magic’s main tool page, we’re going to want to go up to this top left item right here called video ideas, and you’re going to press on that,

And now you’re going to switch over to YouTube, then on YouTube we’re going to look for popular channels in our Niche that do YouTube shorts, so for this example, our Niche is going to be health and wellness,

And then we’re going to scroll down to a channel called Fresh Fuel Fusion and press on the channel,

Now, as you can see, this channel has gotten a large amounts of views in this Niche.

And just to mention, you can use a much bigger channel than this, but just for this example, I’m using one of the first channels I see so I’m just going to copy this Fresh Fuel Fusion 757

Then go back to tube magic, and I’m going to put the name of this channel into this bar right here and click on generate,

Now, what it’s going to do is, it’s going to analyze their videos and come up with viral worthy video ideas for my YouTube shorts just like this,

And I can generate another one, so you’re going to want to keep on doing this until you create maybe 10, 15, 20 or even 30 video ideas that you can put into a list.

The reason why I say 10, 15, 20, 30… is because that’s probably enough for a whole month of viral worthy YouTube shorts, but you know, you can go the extra-mile and post maybe 2–4 YouTube shorts per day, which you can just make a list of 30, 60 or whatever…

And once you’ve made a good amount of video ideas for your list, you can start making scripts of these, and I’m just going to copy this one right here for example,

Then going into the AI tools again, and going down to video scripts, now you’re just going to paste the name of your video right here, Then add some context, so in this example, I’m going to make this less than 60 seconds,

And also give it a really good hook to start the video, then I’m going to go over and press on short for the script so it will make it as a short,

Then I just click on generate,

Now tube magic is going to analyze viral shorts and viral YouTube videos and see how they write their scripts, and it’s going to use AI to exactly make that for yours, so watch this,

So one thing you’re going to want to check now, is to make sure that this script is actually under 1-minute-long, you can do this by using online word counters like The Read Time, and you just paste your script into words to time converter,

Once you’ve cleaned up your script, at the very end, you'll want to add a subscribe for more.

Just so that people watching the short, they will actually remember to subscribe because sometimes when they don’t hear that word subscribe, they’re not actually thinking about it, so when you say subscribe for more or subscribe for more health and wellness Etc..

Then they will start to actually think oh yeah I can subscribe to watch more shorts like this.

Remember, your short should be below 60 seconds of talking time, so let’s say that’s just perfect, and you’re just going to want to do that for all 10, 15… video ideas that you’ve generated earlier on tube magic.

To put this into perspective, usually scripting 10 to 15 YouTube shorts like this could take you 1 to 2 days, but now you can just do this in one or two hours. Just to see how this AI tool can make things so much easier for you, and save you so much time and efforts.

So by using tube magic, you’ve already saved yourself so much time, but we haven’t even gotten into the better parts of this so stay until the end to get the most amount of value, especially when you get to the part where we’re going to actually upload it on YouTube, because we’re going to use tube magic at that point.

But as for now, I’m just going to copy my entire script, and we’re going to go into our next AI software using a website called Pictory,

You’re going to want to press on script to video, then you’re just going to paste it in your script,

Now you’re just going to go through and start making line breaks within the script, just like this

So as you can see, I made a bunch of line breaks because each of these are going to represent a scene, now up here on scene settings, you’re going to want to make sure that this is on line breaks and not on sentence breaks,

Then you can just press on proceed.

And now what’s happening is, Pictory is actually making you an entire video based on the script that you’ve just inserted, and it’s generating you an entire video all by using AI,

Now it’s fully generating me an entire video, and the very first thing I’m going to want to do is to go over to Landscape and press on portrait,

For the Tik Tok reels and YouTube shorts format,

Once that’s done, I’m going to grab this text and drag it right up to the middle,

Then I’m going to click on apply to all,

The reason for this, is so that the text is actually right on the middle of the screen, so there’s no bottom text or top text covering it when people are looking on your YouTube short,

So now you can just stylize your text as much as you want.

But right now I’m going to be looking at these scenes, it says looking to boost your brain health naturally, it’s a video and I want to replace this

So I’m going over to visuals and looking through PCT to’s library of stock video, I’m just going to type in here, brain and I like this one,

Then I can just adjust it to the video,

And I can just keep going through the scenes and making sure that they’re correct, now once I’ve quickly went through and make sure that the scenes are correct, I’m going to go over here on audio,

You can look through pictory’s library of music and you can just pick one or you can actually just upload one for yourself, for me what I generally recommend is going on YouTube and finding non-copyright music that you like, download a lot of them, and keep a file of them to put in these videos,

But either choice is okay for your YouTube short, after we finish that, now we’re going to go over here on voice over,

And there is a library of texted speech voices for you to use on your YouTube short, that’s going to dub over your screen script, so just go through and listen to them all, and once you have found one that you like, you can just hover over to apply and click on that,

It’s going to take a couple of minutes to dub over your script with the text to speech but once that is applied, you can just finish your video by going over to download and download it,

And now that’s all for generating the video with AI.

So now we’re going to actually upload the video using AI optimization, do not miss that part, because that one is probably the most important part of this whole method, but as for Pictory, you can generate 10 to 15 AI videos for your YouTube shorts just like this within a couple hours,

Which for 10 to 15 videos without AI, that usually would take 2 to 3 days to just sit there and edit all these videos plus doing the voice over and putting in the music all by yourself, so now right off the bat you can make 10 to 15 YouTube shorts in 5–6 hours like that.

Again If you want to potentially 10x your growth and success on YouTube, then check out Tube Mastery & Monetization right here, but just keep in mind that only a few spots are available when it’s opened and they run out very quickly so go ahead and secure your seat right now.

Back on YouTube, now you’re going to want to upload your short on YouTube,

All you have to do is just make sure it’s not made for kids, then go over to visibility and set it as unlisted like that,

Then save it, and now you’re going to wait for the video to finish processing, then you’re going to press on the three dots for options and press on get sharable link just like that,

Now go back on tube Magic’s main tool page, you’re going to scroll down to the warp upload Optimizer,

And you’re just going to paste the link and then click on generate,

And tube magic is going to automatically optimize your video to make it viral worthy just like those 10, 30, 50,…100 million view videos that you see on YouTube.

So as you can see, in just seconds tube magic has generated me a title, description, and tags completely for my YouTube short.

You can put successful optimization on 10 to 15 YouTube shorts within a few minutes using these tools, and most people don’t even tag their YouTube shorts because it takes so much time to do that, usually 20 to 30 minutes.

If you’re posting like 1, 2, 3 or more YouTube shorts per day, you can save hours of your time by just using tube magic, all you have to do is just copy the title, the description and tags, then just click on publish, just that, and you'll be all set up.

That is how you make YouTube shorts, all by using AI softwares.

5. The 5 Best AI Tools for YouTube Automation

Now, let me ask you a simple question. Have you ever wondered how you could possibly thrive on YouTube in this day and age with so much overwhelming competition?

Well, believe it or not, right now is the easiest moment ever to get the most views, subscribers, and ultimately more money off of YouTube.

It may look like there’s a ton of creators on YouTube right now, but the real truth is that, there’s an unprecedented record-breaking amount of viewers on YouTube every single year.

But what happens is that the amount of creators is not following in the same trend, which is why you see so many videos getting something like 10, 40, 50,…100 million views right now, versus back in the day someone getting 5 million views on a video was unheard of.

And the truth is that, a lot of these creators that are actually getting Incredible amounts of views, they aren’t even putting that much effort to getting those many views, they’re not using any advanced optimization, editing or AI softwares.

So by using my top 5 highly recommended top tier AI software tools that 97% of creators don’t even know about, you can set yourself way ahead of the competition, and if you don’t believe this Works, look at this channel right here called AI guy.

He runs an entirely faceless YouTube channel, and as you can see, all of his videos are all done with AI softwares, but even though he’s getting tons of views, he’s selling tons of products and if I were to estimate how much money he’s making from this channel alone, I would say that he’s making probably around 20 to $30,000 per month.

Now, if you were on YouTube 5 to 6 years ago, you would see that there was never anything like that, someone just using AI softwares and AI Avatar to totally make their own faceless YouTube channel.

Therefore, it just shows that there’s such a little competition right now that you could make videos just like this, where you just use an AI Avatar or make your videos entirely with AI softwares.

So now let me start with my best 5 AI tools that you should be using right now to stay ahead of 97% of the competition, and just imagine with each AI tool I’m going to mention, it’s like a bigger and bigger present each time because they only get more effortless and more powerful.

AI Tool Number One

Tube Magic: If you have a subscription to Tube Magic, you get a whole entire library of AI tools built just for us creators in the smartest ways possible,

And right now we’re going to get through all the most helpful ones but first I want to talk about the video ideas tool,

video ideas, tube magic

Here I can simply just put a big scuba diving Channel within the video ideas tool, and it will fully generate me unique video ideas based on that specific channel,

And not only that, tube Magic’s AI is actually going to scan a bunch of viral winning videos on YouTube with 10, 20, 50…100 million views and use that model to try to build you video ideas as well.

So now you are basically sitting there generating viral worthy video ideas,

And you can also make a list of 10 to 15 of them in minutes, which is much better than spending hours upon hours trying to come up with your own video ideas, especially if you have a creative block and if you can’t find a channel to model, use Tube Magic’s video research tool.

Because by just putting in your Niche, now you’re able to find a lot of YouTube channels that are getting tons of views within it, and if you really want to 10x the chances of your video going viral, use Tube Magic’s keyword research tool,

Because here you’re able to find keywords with low competition and high search volume and that’s also ranked by a Magic score.

Now, the video ideas tool is just the first AI tool out of five, and they only get progressively better and better, so if you don’t know, on YouTube, your videos definitely have an increased chance of going viral the longer people stay watching your videos, and that is simply called audience retention.

Overall, viral videos on YouTube, tend to have winning scripts that give them good audience retention, and that’s because more people stay around and YouTube pushes them out more, while failing videos that don’t go viral have bad scripts with bad audience retention.

Therefore, what if there was an AI that scanned all of the winning audience retention scripts on YouTube and made some sort of model so it could write you scripts as well.

That’s exactly what I’m going to show you right now with,

AI Tool Number Two

You’re now going to want to go back to Tube Magic’s homepage.

And on the AI script writer,

You’re actually able to put in the idea of your video and some context, then you’re able to select the template and how long you want your video to be,

Then you’re going to click on the generate button,

And right away, tube magic will start writing you an entire script within seconds, based on the model of winning scripts from viral videos.

Not only will this 10x the chances of your videos going viral, but now you can write 10 to 15 or even 30 scripts in maybe 2 to 3 hours, versus what used to take a couple of days to write 10 to 15 scripts. So now, you can see how crucial tube magic is when it comes to making videos.

And now for,

AI Tool Number Three

You’re actually able to take this entire script we just generated, and going over to an AI software called Pictory,

You can just input your script into pictory, and it’ll generate you a complete video made out of AI.

This saves so much time because, now you are generating a video in just 1 minute, versus the old way where you had to spend 1 to 2 days just editing a video from scratch.

So now you might be asking okay, what about if I show my face in my videos, how am I just going to use pictory to thoroughly make the videos for me, do I still have to put my face in the actual finished video?

Well, I completely get it, and just look at this,

This way, as you can see, there’s actually an engaging stock footage showing up on right there.

And this is way better for audience retention, it keeps people a lot more engaged than if it was just sitting out there and talking without anything playing around on the screen.

And it’s going to be just you and the camera, so even if you show your face in your video, by taking that same script and putting it in pictory, with just one minute, you’ve made your video so much more engaging and also pair that up with the AI script writer, and boom, now you’ve got yourself a monster audience retention video.

AI Tool Number Four

Now, when you start uploading your video on YouTube, instead of directly uploading it to public, first upload it to unlisted just like this,

And once it’s unlisted, I’m going to show you a tool that’s going to fully change the way you do your YouTube videos from today on, so copying the link to your video,

Now you’re going to go back to tube magic, and on the AI tools page, you’re going to go to the warp upload Optimizer,

And by just putting in your link and clicking on generate,

Tube Magic will completely optimize the title, description, and tags for your video, by modeling other already winning videos that have amazing optimization and went viral because of it.

So what used to take you 20 to 30 minutes of sitting there and trying to successfully optimize your video which most people usually do it wrong, now you’re able to do this in seconds with tube magic warp upload Optimizer.

These 4 of the 5 AI tools that I’ve mentioned within this guide, have completely elevated your game so far, and I can say that you may be amazed of how much time it took you to do just that.

AI Tool Number Five

Once you’ve used the warp upload Optimizer on your video and you’ve uploaded it publicly, you can now copy the link to your video,

And go onto a site called Opus,

Now, by putting the link into your video,

It’ll automatically go through your entire video, and select the most viral worthy parts and make YouTube shorts, Tik toks, and Instagram reals completely from your long form video.

It actually ranks them by how likely they are going to go viral, and it even puts an explanation of why that is.

So now you’re getting more views and subscribers on your channel by just taking already made long form content videos and turning them into a short form content videos to re-upload and repurpose.

And it will take no time to upload them because by using tube Magic’s warp upload Optimizer, if you post let’s say three shorts a day, you’re able to optimize them all within seconds.

These 5 AI tools that I just shared with you, are going to absolutely get you ahead of 97% of the competition, and you are going to 10x your growth and success on YouTube with no time..

6. How to Get Monetized on YouTube Even Before Ads Monetization Program — Simple Hack

Now you’re going to learn the true secret to how you can make money on YouTube without having to wait for Ads to be enabled on your channel.

Just for a quick recap, in order for you to be able to make money on YouTube, you have to have 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time. But what if I tell you there’s a way to completely skip all this to;

  • Make money before the 1000 subscribers
  • Make money before the 4,000 hours of watch time
  • Make money from YouTube on day one.

And for a proof of this actually working, here’s a new channel I just created

And on this channel, I’m nowhere near 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time but I’ve already made $10,000 from it, now can I guarantee that you’ll make the same ratio of money?

Obviously not, but what I can guarantee you is that, I’m going to show you the exact same method that I use to make $10,000 from 150 …subscribers and that so many other people are using to make money before ads are enabled on their YouTube channel.

Now let’s say after going through this guide, you’ve learned the method and you do everything wrong, even if you make a quarter of this per 1000 views, that’s still $250 more than Z because, you’ll literally just be making straight up 0 while you’re waiting for ads to be enabled on your channel.

So there’s actually no losing within this method, only win win, so with you having absolutely nothing to lose, all I ask is for you to read the whole to see every single step, because otherwise you’re being left out with the most crucial information to doing this method correctly just like I did to make $10,000 from 8,000 views.

And let’s say after you’ve learned this formula, you get way more views than just 8,000 on your channel, now you could potentially make thousands upon thousands of dollars before ads are ever enabled on your YouTube channel.

So getting into the step number one, we have to understand the niche of your channel and use our secret techniques to make this the most profitable possible.

Now, a niche is generally like a genre or topic of your YouTube channel, and if you’ve picked a niche already, that’s absolutely fine, but here’s just a list of some profitable niches that you can use right now if you haven’t picked one already,

You can just write those down. There is a very important reason why we’re picking up your Niche right now, and using it for step number one, you will find out later.

Once you pick up your Niche, you’ll have to stick to it and keep uploading only in that Niche, that’s because let’s say for example, you pick the niche of cooking and you only post cooking content on that specific channel.

Now YouTube will start realizing that people who watch cooking content also like watching your videos the most, and so it’ll start pushing out your Videos to that cooking demographic.

But let’s say at some point you switch over to the niche of sports for example, and you start posting sports videos, now YouTube is going to recommend those sports videos into your cooking demographic.

But what will actually happen is that this same audience, they’ll be disinterested and eventually stop watching your videos, and YouTube will think that your channel has no value at all and you won’t get views anymore, you won’t also get any subscribers, and basically you are destroying your channel before it even takes off.

That’s as simple as I can explain it to you, I just want you to totally understand this so that you will be able to fully replicate this method as much as you can.

Now for step number two

We’re actually going to get a high payout partnership for your YouTube channel, since you completely understand what your Niche is from Step number one.

So now you’re going to want to look for high payout Partners in your Niche and that are also related into your Niche, but there’s one Important thing you need to keep in mind before you even pick up one, you have to make sure they are high payout partners, and that’s because let’s say for example, on a high payout partnership you make $500 per every transaction, rather than $50 on a low payout partnership.

Although it is 10 times the price, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s going to sell 10 times less than the low payout partnership,

In fact, there are some people who do the same exact method and they sell nearly the same amount of high payout products as they did with low payout products, so the price of the product here doesn’t matter at all.

So in this example, you’d be simply 10 Xing how much you make by just picking a high payout partnership from start, and now let’s look at everything logically in this method worst case scenario.

If you mess everything up, you still potentially might get that one sale every so often that gives you hundreds of dollars which is infinitely better than making $0 while you wait for ads to be enabled on your YouTube Channel.

Now, to find a high payout partnership, you can use sites like or and you will have the whole library of high payout Partnerships and remember, you could just pick up the ones that’re related to your niche, I’d say pick anywhere from two to three High payout partners.

Now we’re going to go into the step number three,

Which is changing your content,

To this method, now you have nothing to worry at all, we’re just changing your content a little bit, only for a few seconds where you mention Your high payout partner in your video.

The best way to mention your high payout partner is trying to do that as naturally as possible, you have to do that in the beginning or in the middle of your video, never do it at the end, never mention your high payout partnership at the end of your video.

That’s because at the end of your video, you have the least amount of viewers watching,

And if you put it in the middle or in the beginning, you’ll probably have more sales because many people are watching at those points of your video.

Therefore, if you’re struggling to find a way to naturally incorporate your high payout product within your video, you can actually use Tube Magic AI tool,

It writes fully scripts based on its model off viral winning videos with 10, 20, 30, 50 million views, and using the model of those winning videos.

They use machine learning to try to replicate it for you in your script.

For step number four,

You’re going to want to forget everything you know about uploading and optimizing videos and instead, follow this new Step using AI.

When you are uploading a video, you’re probably spending so much time optimizing it, by putting in the right tags, keywords, titles, and description.

But now you’ll learn that by just putting it on unlisted first, and copying the link,

You can actually go into tube Magic’s warp upload Optimizer, and if you put in the Link of your video and click on generate,

Tube Magic’s AI, which has scanned hundreds of viral and winning videos, it’ll actually use these data to optimize your video as well and it will do that very quickly.

Not only does this heavily increase the chances of your video possibly going viral, but it also is a huge timesaver because instead of spending 30 minutes to optimize your videos finding the right keywords, tags, description and writing out Your title, tube magic will do it super quickly.

Also, you can just put into tub Magic’s warp upload Optimizer and it’ll generate the whole thing for you.

Now that you have a fully optimized video using tube Magic’s AI, all you have to do is put your high payout partner Link at the very top of your description, and you’re all set.

Now you are following the same exact method that I use because let’s say for example, you make $500 for every sale, if you just sell to one in 1,600 people you are making $5,000 per 8,000 views in theory, and even just a fraction of this is significantly more than zero, which is how much you’d be making if you were just waiting around for ads to be Enabled on your channel instead of doing this method.

7. Tube Mastery and Monetization course by Matt Par (also the founder of Tube Magic)

What is it?

The Tube Mastery and Monetization course by Matt Par is a comprehensive training program designed to help YouTube creators build and monetize successful YouTube channels.

This course covers pretty much everything, from niche selection and channel setup to content creation, SEO optimization, and monetization strategies.

Main Benefits of the Course:

  • Expert Guidance: Learn directly from Matt Par, a YouTube expert who runs 9+ successful channels.
  • Step-by-Step Training: Follow clear, actionable steps to create and grow your YouTube channel.
  • Niche Selection: Discover profitable niches and avoid common pitfalls.
  • Content Strategy: Master the art of content planning and creation to keep your audience engaged.
  • SEO and Growth Tactics: Learn how to optimize your videos for search and boost your channel’s growth.
  • Monetization Methods: Explore various ways to monetize your channel, even beyond YouTube’s ad program.
  • Community Support: Gain access to a community of like-minded creators for support and collaboration.

Ready to take your YouTube channel to the next level?

Watch a short video from Matt Par, the coach of the course, and see how Tube Mastery and Monetization can actually skyrocket your success on YouTube .

Don’t miss out to learn from one of the best in the business. Click here to watch now!


Implementing these insights can absolutely 10x the growth of your channel, and help you to build a big audience and generate passive income from your content.

But remember, consistency and patience are key. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to grow your existing channel, following this guide and using tube magic, success is inevitable.

So just want to wrap up and say thank for following along with me, I really appreciate it, and hope you’ve got some value out of it. If anything, don't hesitate to ask, I’m here for you. Khemit;-)



Khemit Eric

I write to help you skyrocket your business with different strategies and techniques💖