Malta, where Gaming meets Blockchain

4 min readJul 16, 2018


Welcome to the “Crypto Island”

Okex; Binance and now Kheper are moving

Malta innovation hub.
Malta is becoming the leading hub for crypto and blockchain companies in the worldwide scenario. Tech giants such as OKEx, Binance and TRON are some of the latest corporations that are moving to and operating from Malta. This decision is led by the favorable blockchain ecosystem created by the Maltese government, aiming at transforming Malta as the “Blockchain island”. Prime Minister Joseph Muscat is leading this innovation process, ensuring stability and safety to crypto businesses and investors. In this regard, at the beginning of 2018, the Maltese Government has issued different Bills, such as the Malta Digital Innovation Authority Bill, thus to create a transparent regulatory framework for launching cryptocurrency startup. For these reasons, many start-ups and companies have chosen Malta to launch their projects within the cryptocurrencies world.

Why Malta? A successful track record.
Malta has deployed different incentives throughout several sectors in order to become an important innovation center. Some of these incentives entail corporate financial deductions, allowing foreign companies to pay taxation at around 5% and, decisions to empower the IT infrastructures, adopting fiber optic internet nationally.
Back in 2004, Malta was the first country worldwide to regulate and create specific licenses for online gambling, which allowed companies to operate legally all over the European Union.

This decision generated an excellent income for Malta, accounting for 12% of the Maltese GDP and being at present a vital sector for the country’s economy as a whole. As of today, Malta authorities are regulating the cryptocurrencies sector with a particular focus on the gambling industry, making the country one the most attractive pole for cryptocurrencies related businesses.
In April 2018, the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) has issued the first legislative Sandbox aiming to receive feedback on how to adopt cryptocurrencies within the gaming sector, the latter being one of the industries that will benefit from the use of virtual currencies and blockchain technology.

The MGA has made this decision, firstly, aiming at keeping Malta’s primacy of remote gaming regulation while embracing technology innovation; secondly, the fact that the European Union has not taken any precise position about cryptocurrencies yet, thus would allow Malta to have a leading role within this new ecosystem, considering all the advantages both in general and specifically in relation to the gaming industry. If the Maltese Government will succeed in creating a safe environment in which to invest, existing and new blockchain & cryptocurrency companies will keep choosing Malta as their operational headquarters.

Cz is very excited, and at Kheper we can’t wait to see him and networking :)

Improvements and innovations are at the forefront of Maltese Government’s strategy, thus coupled with a regulatory ethos which is designed to ensure an ecosystem that enables economic development but most importantly continues building the necessary safeguards to prevent societal and criminal risks.

As one of the most promising start-up within the gaming industry, we as Kheper Software House participated in the MGA legislative Sandbox, writing our own draft proposal, ensuring that the necessary safeguards are in place to protect investors and consumers and cater for the prevention of crime and money laundering or funding terrorism (with due regard to the 4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive).
Our team is composed of consultants who have worked in international companies such as PwC, not to mention that our partners are both renowned companies and experts working in the gaming industry. We operate with a business to business model by providing our online gaming platform to online casinos and functioning exclusively in Kheper Token (KHP).
Players might have access to the Kheper Token (KHP) and therefore to the Kheper gaming platform, as easily as playing on the traditional online gaming platforms, but be experiencing a new thrilling type of gaming entertainment. When a solid distribution achieved channel for our online gaming platform has been achieved, the aim is to further extend the use of Kheper Tokens into the real slot machines sector and eventually into the most famous casinos in the world, making the Kheper Token the new crypto of gaming.

Advisors & Partners
Many experts from different business areas have considered our business model a successful one. In this regard, well-known companies operating in the gaming industry embraced the Kheper Project and eventually decided to become our partners. Our legal, financial and gambling advisors and partners (e.g. Sbordoni & Partners Law Firm, LMP-Finance, E-LAB Games, Fabio Da Re owner of the online Casino Replatz, Fazi), indeed, have their businesses spread all over the globe, with decades of experience and a consolidated clientele worldwide.

