Pheromone Technology in Bucket Traps

2 min readJun 27, 2024



In the ongoing battle against agricultural pests, innovation has led to the development of more efficient and environmentally friendly solutions. One such advancement is the pheromone sensor bucket trap provided by Khethari Agri Tech Private Limited, a tool that capitalizes on the natural behaviors of pests to monitor and control their populations.

Bucket Traps

What is a Phero Sensor Bucket Trap?

A pheromone sensor bucket trap is an advanced pest management device designed to layer, capture, and monitor specific insect pests. By using synthetic pheromones chemicals that insects naturally use for communication — these traps provide a targeted approach to pest control. The integration of sensors in these traps allows for data collection, which is invaluable for effective pest management strategies.

How Do Phero Sensor Bucket Traps Work?

Pheromone Lure

Attracting Pests: Each trap contains a synthetic pheromone lure tailored to mimic the specific pheromones of the target pest.

These pheromones are highly species-specific, ensuring that only the intended pest is attracted to the trap.

Dispersal: The pheromone is typically placed in a dispenser within the trap. As it volatilizes, it spreads into the surrounding air, creating a scent trail that pests follow.

Pheromone Lure

Trap Design

Entry Mechanism: The trap is usually designed as a bucket with entry points that guide the insects inside but prevent them from escaping. The entry points may include baffles or funnels to ensure pests are directed into the trap.

Capture Mechanism: Once inside, pests are trapped either by a sticky surface or a liquid basin.

The sticky surface immobilizes the insects, while a liquid basin can drown them, ensuring they cannot escape.


Phero sensor bucket traps provided by Khethari Agri Tech Private Limited represent a sophisticated and environmentally friendly approach to pest management. By harnessing the power of pheromones, these traps provide a targeted and effective method for monitoring and controlling pest populations.Their ability to attract, capture, and provide real-time data on specific pests makes them invaluable tools in agriculture, ensuring healthier crops and reducing reliance on harmful chemical pesticides.Through the strategic use of these traps, farmers and pest control professionals can better protect their crops and contribute to more sustainable agricultural practices.

