Beaxy Weekly Overview — Khilone #12

Beaxy Exchange
Published in
5 min readJan 21, 2019

As I mentioned earlier in one of my articles, I recently became an advisor for Beaxy Exchange. If you have no idea what Beaxy is about, please read my earlier articles about it:

In my Beaxy Weekly Overview, I will talk about all the things that happened previous week for Beaxy Exchange. I hope you like the overview and keep following Beaxy Exchange.

Disclaimer: Never take anything I say (or anyone else on the Internet says) to be investment advice. Consult with a professional, and extensively do your own research before ever investing into anything.

Beaxy Launch Update

The Beaxy Launch is something I have been looking forward to a lot, last week we got an update on the specifics. Beaxy will do a launch in multiple stages.

The first step will begin before January 30th and the process will continue after that over the following weeks until complete. The steps in the process are:

  • Open to Beaxy Ambassadors for initial review (within the next two weeks)
  • Open to Beaxy’s discord community for review and bug bounty program (to occur immediately after initial review period) — Concurrent with the beta, they will have a bug bounty program where users can win BXY for helping test the platform.
  • Final internal code review & integration — where they take any remaining feedback from this trial period and implement it, performing one last pass on all systems.
  • Beaxy releases the platform for live trading! Beaxy thought this roll-out plan was the best way to simultaneously scale activity on the platform, grow their community, and reward existing community members & ambassadors.

Beaxy wants to sincerely thank everyone for joining them on their journey. It has been challenging & rewarding in ways they couldn’t have imagined. Building an exchange as ambitious as this, from scratch, requires more than just a talented dev team. It also requires an amazing community who can help Beaxy turn dreams into reality. At the end of the day, this journey is about you, the user, so on behalf of Beaxy thank you!

If you want to be part of the Beaxy journey be sure to join the Discord ->

Paperstreet Live

Last week the Beaxy utility token offering went live, this offering is a private offering for previous OpenToken participants. The public offering is coming soon.

Beaxy is Unique

Speed, security, service, and advanced order types are priorities for Beaxy. Beaxy has worked tirelessly to excel in these areas.

Beaxy Marketing Commitment

Last week Beaxy shared their marketing commitment.

Our long term strategy is to establish global communities that support Beaxy. We will do so by visiting targeted geographies around the world and engaging with local crypto community leaders.

Presentation at AthenaBitcoin Offices

Beaxy their CEO and Head of Marketing @just_artak and @cryptofitch presented last week at the @AthenaBitcoin offices! They had a great time and met some good people.

Director of Memes

CryptoChimp is the Director of Memes at Beaxy and last week he struck again, BEAXY IS COMING!

Beaxy AMA

Cryptocopia is a crypto community with over 1000+ members. On 24th of January they are hosting a live Beaxy AMA, if you have any questions for Beaxy their CEO @just_artak be sure to join their Discord and ask them.

Beaxy Supports

Beaxy loves to support the crypto space, one of the items that they support by sponsoring is REKT Podcast. Last week they had some amazing conversations with @Tradermayne and @PeterMcCormack!

Birthday Celebration

Small birthday celebration for Beaxy, two team members and a close friend share a birthday today! Congratulations to all!

That’s it for now. All the best to everyone!


Follow me on Twitter to get all the news right away:

And be sure to read all my stories on Medium over here:

Khilone is an investor and advisor of Beaxy Exchange.

The material contained in this article is not to be regarded as an recommendation to buy or sell or the solicitation of any offer to buy or sell securities in any jurisdiction where such an offer or solicitation is against the law, or to anyone to whom it is unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation, or if the person making the offer or solicitation is not qualified to do so. The information on this document does not constitute legal, tax, or investment advice. You must not, therefore, rely on the content of this document when making any investment decisions.



Beaxy Exchange

Writing articles about Stratis Platform, Beaxy Exchange and Crypto in general —