The Unofficial Weekly Stratis Retrospect #12 — Khilone

Published in
2 min readFeb 15, 2018

Hey everyone,

It’s time for The Unofficial Weekly Stratis Retrospect #12.

For anyone wanting to read my previous blogs, you can find them all here.

The Bitcoin SuperConference

Stratis is getting ready for the Bitcoin SuperConference in Dallas, Texas this weekend.

The Bitcoin SuperConference will take place at The Dallas Fort-Worth Airport Marriott North (DFWAP) Hotel on February 16–18, 2018. Stratis Platform is a main sponsor and also an exhibitor.

Stratis will be on hand throughout the event, offering the opportunity for investors to discuss product developments, as well as engage in one- on-one conversations with Stratis team members.


Stratis announced their first ICO, Gluon, a few weeks ago. This week, Gluon released new information about their project.

  • You can find their ICO Metrics over here
  • You can also find more information about their new advisor here

And so another week has passed! Thanks for applauding and sharing this blog in advance, and I look forward to seeing you all again next week.



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Writing articles about Stratis Platform, Beaxy Exchange and Crypto in general —