The Unofficial Weekly Stratis Retrospect #21 — Khilone

Published in
8 min readApr 27, 2018

It’s time for The Unofficial Weekly Stratis Retrospect #21.

For anyone wanting to read my previous blogs, you can find them all here.

Disclaimer: Never take anything I say (or anyone else on the Internet says) to be investment advice. Consult with a professional, and extensively do your own research before ever investing into anything.

Stratis Full Node GUI Mainnet Beta Release

On April 11, 2018, Stratis announced their Stratis Full Node GUI Mainnet Beta release. You can read Strat’s full announcement over here.

I told you about the Stratis Full Node Mainnet Beta Release in the previous weekly update.

So, what’s new?
The Stratis ‘GUI’ is!

GUI means ‘graphical user interface.’ For example, a crypto wallet, which is the graphical interface where users can click on buttons to send or withdraw coins, etc. The GUI is the layer on the Full Node so that it can be used by everyone. GUIs were introduced to bypass the steep learning curve of command-line interfaces (CLIs), which require complex computer code commands to be typed on a computer keyboard. GUIs make software user friendly for most of us.

So what does the new Stratis GUI look like? These are the most recent screenshots, and I have to say I am impressed!

Blockchain Delhi

Stratis kicked off their busy conference month in India. They attended the Blockchain Conference in Delhi on 12 April, 2018. These were the speakers on behalf of Stratis:

  • Jordan Andrews presented smart contracts in C#.
  • Dan Gershony spoke about the Stratis Full Node and Blockchain as a Service (BaaS).
  • Mahesh Chand, the founder of C# Corner, did an Introduction to Blockchain for Developers.
  • Sameer Misson, CEO of GLUON, talked about Integration of Blockchain into Legacy Industry.
  • Chris Trew joined a panel discussion with Mahesh.

Dan Gershony speaking about the Stratis Full Node and Blockchain as a Service (Baas)

Jordan Andrews speaking about Smart Contracts in C#

Mahesh Chand with his Introduction to Blockchain for Developers

Paul Bogle, Dan Gershony and Jordan Andrews

Impressions of Blockchain Delhi

Sameer Misson CEO of Stratis First Verified ICO GLUON talking about Integration of Blockchain into Legacy Industry

Panel discussion with Chris Trew and Mahesh Chand

Blockchain Delhi 2018 was a great success!

I talked with the team members who went to India, and they were all excited about this event. The event was properly organized and sent out lots of media coverage.

C# Corner Conference

The second conference was in India, as well. The C# Corner Conference

2018 is North India’s largest developers’ conference, with over 60 speakers and 40 technologies represented. It was a three-day event that happened on 13–15 April in Delhi.

Here were the Stratis speakers at that conference

  • Dan Gershony did a presentation about Blockchain for Developers.
  • Jordan Andrews talked about Smart Contracts in C#.
  • Chris Trew and Mahesh Chand were Keynote speakers.

Dan Gershony speaking about Blockchain for Developers

Jordan Andrews having his presentation about Smart Contracts in C#

Mahesh Chand speaking at the C# Corner Conference

I also found some new Stratis supporters in the crowd

Dan Gershony and Mahesh Chand encouraging and rewarding MVPs at the C# Corner Conference

Chris Trew talking to the audience and giving away prices to the winners together with other team members of Stratis

The end

I talked with Mahesh and Strat’s team members about their experience at the C# Corner Conference. Blockchain is still a very new thing for most developers, so there is still a long way to go, however, many of them are excited by the prospects! Also, many of the developers in attendance were first introduced to blockckchain through Stratis, so a lot of viable seeds have been planted for the future.

Those who attended the conference also told me some of the higher ranking members within C# Corner really loved the idea of working with smart contracts in C#. That really turned them on!

Blockchain Expo Global

Last, but certainly not least, Stratis ended April’s conference month with the Blockchain Expo Global held at London’s Olympia Event Center on 18–19 April, 2018. This was the second time Stratis exhibited at the Blockchain Expo. Stratis was a highest ranked sponsor, and this resulted in the best location and size for their booth. Believe me, sometimes size does matter ;).

To read more about the full experience of the Blockchain Expo, you can do so over here.:

I’m not the only one who wrote about the Blockchain Expo in London. Long-term community member, ‘Freeme62410,’ also wrote a story about his own experience there. You can find his story over here.

Smart Contracts team

One of the coolest things about the Blockchain Expo was that all of the Stratis team members were there. They flew from all over the globe to represent Stratis. It was also the first time the full Smart Contracts team was fully united in person!

The day after the Blockchain Expo

After an amazing (but exhausting) two days at the Blockchain Expo, the Stratis team did what they always do… They went into their office to continue working on the platform they all truly believe in. There was also a final meet-up of all the community and team members that had flown in from all over the place, a great end to a great week!


GLUON announced their ICO a few months ago, which will be the first ICO to launch from the Stratis ICO platform. This week, GLUON released new information about their project:

Beyond Global Trade

Beyond Global Trade (BGT) announced their ICO, which will be the second ICO to launch from the Stratis ICO platform. This week, BGT also released new information about their project.

That’s it for last week’s news. All the best to everyone!


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Other things to keep an eye at:




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