The Unofficial Weekly Stratis Retrospect #28 — Khilone

Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2018

It’s time for The Unofficial Weekly Stratis Retrospect #28.

For anyone wanting to read my previous blogs, you can find them all here.

Disclaimer: Never take anything I say (or anyone else on the Internet says) to be investment advice. Consult with a professional, and extensively do your own research before ever investing into anything.

Interviews with Dan Gershony & Jordan Andrews

Stratis CTO, Dan Gershony, and lead Smart Contracts in C# developer, Jordan Andrews, were interviewed about Stratis at the Amsterdam Blockchain Expo. You can watch both video interviews here:

The ICO Platform

On 9 May, 2018, Stratis accomplished a huge milestone —the first full production release of the Stratis ICO Platform. According to Stratis CEO, Chris Trew, Stratis drastically improved the user experience for both ICO issuers and contributors with this platform release. You can read more about this here.

Aside from Stratis’ verified ICOs (GLUON and BeyondGlobalTrade), the first unverified ICO using the Stratis Platform was brought to my attention this week. They are called Ephelants360, and more information about them can be found over here. As I write, Ephelants360 is already actively utilizing the Stratis ICO Platform for their ongoing sale.

I had a chat with Ephelants360 on behalf of the Stratis community and received the following information.

We will first run our token sale on the Stratis ICO Platform. Then we will build a cross-chain solution with Stratis, however we need the ability to create smart tokens and fixed exchange rates for certain child tokens, hence we will develop on other distributed ledgers as well to provide our complete solution.

I also asked why they chose the Stratis Blockchain, and their answer was,
Speed, low cost of transactions, security and the ability to develop with C# and .Net.”

We wish them good luck and look forward to seeing many more projects utilizing the Stratis ICO Platform and building on the Stratis blockchain.

DisruptBlock released the article, “What is Stratis (STRAT)”. You can read their article over here.

C# Corner released the article, “Stratis — Introduction To Stratis Platform”. You can read their article over here. It already has over 33.000 views!

If you want to read more about the partnership between Stratis and C# Corner, you can find more about that here. released the article “The Billion-Dollar Quest to Eliminate Smart Contract Bugs”. Stratis is mentioned in the article, and you can read that over here.

Dan Gershony’s 40th Birthday

The CTO of Stratis Platform turned 40 last week. Congratulations, Dan, and thanks for all your amazing work for Stratis and the community!


GLUON announced their ICO a few months ago, which will be the first ICO to launch from the Stratis ICO platform. This week, GLUON released new information about their project:

Beyond Global Trade

Beyond Global Trade (BGT) will be the second ICO to launch from the Stratis ICO platform. This week, BGT also released new information about their upcoming project:

That’s it for now. All the best to everyone!


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