The Unofficial Weekly Stratis Retrospect #38 — Khilone

Published in
5 min readSep 27, 2018

It’s time for The Unofficial Weekly Stratis Retrospect #38.

For anyone wanting to read my previous blogs, you can find them all here.

Disclaimer: Never take anything I say (or anyone else on the Internet says) to be investment advice. Consult with a professional, and extensively do your own research before ever investing into anything.

Q4 Roadmap

On 21 September, 2018, Chris Trew, the CEO of Stratis Platform announced that the Stratis Q4 Roadmap will be released next week (so this week). It will contain production release dates on the Stratis Mainnet for:

  • Sidechains
  • Smart Contracts
  • Cold Staking
  • Tumblebit

Chris also mentioned that the illusive Secret Project Stratis has been working will be revealed!

While writing this weekly with the events that happened last week, Stratis released their Roadmap for Q4 yesterday. I will write more about it in the next weekly. However, you can have a look over here.

Microsoft Azure

On 22 September, 2018, Chris announced that the Stratis C# Full Node now is available on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace. This greatly simplifies the deployment of their platform and also brings Bitcoin to Azure.

You can find the Stratis C# Full Node on Azure over here. Great news for all C# Developers.

Smart Contracts Update

The Stratis Smart Contracts in C# team gave us an update about what happened last week:

Stratis Wallet Update

In preparation of the upcoming release of the Stratis C# Full Node, Stratis released a MANDATORY update for their StratisX/Stratis QT Wallet. If you are currently staking with an older version of the StratisX/Stratis QT Wallet, you MUST update to version! Updating is very easy. Just follow the simple instructions provided at the below link and get the latest release here:

1 Millionth Block

On 19 September, 2018, Stratis reached it’s 1 Millionth Block! Another milestone in Stratis’ history.

Stratis Mainnet

Stratis recently did some optimizations on the Stratis Full Node. It now takes only 50 minutes to sync the Stratis Mainnet from scratch! Well done guys.

Nicolas Dorier

Always good to see the brightest minds to come to visit Stratis HQ. You can read about Nicolas his relation to Stratis over here. This time Nicolas Dorier came by as a visitor. We can only wonder what cool things they would have been discussing.. ;). Maybe we know in the nearby future.

Smart Contracts Presentation

It’s always good to see people spread the word of Stratis. This time ‘EdgeFund’ shared that Andy Watt gave an excellent presentation on building Smart Contracts with Stratis. Thanks!

Bobby Thompson

Sometimes pictures speak louder than words.

Article minad21

Minad21 released his article “8 Crypto Projects Worth Your Attention”. Stratis is one of them, and you can read their article over here.

Stratis Community

In my first blog I wrote the following about the Stratis Community:

Stratis has a large and still growing community often described as a big family. A lot of the earliest investors are still actively helping out. It’s a privilege working with them every day.

Almost a year later, nothing has changed. Most of them are still hanging around and actively helping out. New people joined and are doing the same. I am proud to be a part of this community. The Stratis Community is active on Twitter and all around the crypto space.

Some recent examples of the Stratis Community showing how they feel are:

Do you want to be part of the Stratis Community as well? We are happy to have you:

Vote Hoard

I just voted for $STRAT in the #HoardVote. Cast your vote today and help get #STRAT listed on the @Hoard mobile wallet and DEX first, for free.

You can vote over here. Thanks in advance.

Scammers, You Shall Not Pass

More and more fake accounts are joining to impersonate the official Stratis Platform account. Many hands make light work, so if everyone helps out a little, we can clean them as much as possible. Thanks in advance.

That’s it for now. All the best to everyone!


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Other things to keep your eyes on:




Writing articles about Stratis Platform, Beaxy Exchange and Crypto in general —