The Unofficial Weekly Stratis Retrospect #42— Khilone

Published in
5 min readOct 23, 2018

It’s time for The Unofficial Weekly Stratis Retrospect #42.

For anyone wanting to read my previous blogs, you can find them all here.

Disclaimer: Never take anything I say (or anyone else on the Internet says) to be investment advice. Consult with a professional, and extensively do your own research before ever investing into anything.

Stratis and Microsoft

As everyone is aware by now, Stratis is developed in the Microsoft language C# / .Net. So since Stratis inception, it has been a logical step to grow into the Microsoft platform step by step.

Last week Stratis’ CEO, Chris Trew, announced the following:

More news regarding Microsoft front next week. We have been making progress in our relationship with them.

We already have seen some exposure for Stratis on Microsoft. One of them is the Stratis ICO Platform. The ICO Platform is one of the new offers on the Azure Marketplace. You can find the article from Microsoft Azure over here.

Another product that is on Microsofts Azure Platform is the Stratis Smart Contracts, which you can find over here. It’s a Stratis Smart Contracts Template which has been installed over 2,200 times already. Adoption is coming.

Smart Contracts Update

The Stratis Smart Contracts in C# team gave us an update about what happened last week:

The First Token Smart Contract Executing in Native C# / .NET

Lead Developer of the Smart Contracts team, Jordan Andrews wrote a new article about Smart Contracts for Stratis. Jordan tells us that:

Hundreds of you have been messaging me that X other platform has smart contracts in C#. I can say with certainty that Stratis is the first to be executing C# natively. Other platforms (e.g. NEO) may be compiling C# syntax to custom machine code but we’re definitely the first to be executing actual .NET code on the Common Language Runtime, .NET’s virtual machine. (I should know, I previously built EthSharp which compiled C# for the EVM!)

Read the full article which is published on Hackernoon and also got in front of the Blockchain category, over here.

Stratis CEO about the Q4 Roadmap

As most of you are aware Stratis has a very packed Q4 Roadmap. Recently the CEO of Stratis, Chris Trew was asked the question what he is most excited about on the roadmap. Here is his answer:

Update from Jeremy Bokobza

Jeremy Bokobza is the Head of Engineering of Stratis Platform. He took the time last week to give us a small video update about Stratis, which you can look at over here.

Stratis Puzzle Solutions

On July 25, 2018, Stratis released their ‘Puzzle Challenge’. The Puzzle is solved and Stratis gave away 4.000 $STRAT and two job offers.

On behalf of the Puzzle makers ‘Aprogiena and NoEscape0’, I would like to thank everyone for the participation in the Stratis Puzzle. They hope you had a fun time solving it.

Since the puzzle is finished ‘Aprogiena and NoEscape0’ would like to share solutions for all pieces of the puzzle. You can find the solutions over here.

Stratis and the USA

On December 2–5, 2018, the Blockchain World Conference will be opened for all Blockchain enthusiasts in the USA. Our own Mahesh Chand will be there and so will be Policarpo Guerrero. Henry He will speak about ‘Building Smart Contracts on Stratis’.

Policarpo Guerrero will be there as well and will be giving away some cool bags for all the Stratis OG’s thanks to Meet him over there :).

Thanks to community member “Clint_network” the website is live. One of the features of the website is a live ticker of the $STRAT price. Another thing he has been working on is a Stratis Block Explorer. Which is live now and can be found over here.

If anyone wants to help, all issues or bugs can be mentioned to Clint over here.

So what is the next thing we might expect from Clint? Well, he is looking into making a Stratis Wallet for Android. Keep an eye on him through his Twitter over here.


GLUON announced their ICO a few months ago, which will be the first ICO to launch from the Stratis ICO platform. This week, GLUON released new information about their project:

That’s it for now. All the best to everyone!


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Other things to keep your eyes on:




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